Tag Archives: self defense

Actually Understanding the Martial Arts!


I haven’t written about Matrixing for a while,

so let me explain for people who have never heard of it.

Make a list of numbers to ten.

1, 2, 3, 4…10

It’s easy to count to ten. 

You can count anything.

After a while you even forget to count on your fingers.

That’s what effective martial arts looks like.

A small number of techniques easily and intuitively remembered.


as people teach the martial arts they have favorite techniques

and they leave out number 4.

You can still count to ten, sort of.

Not a real ten,

but, hey, that blank space isn’t important,

I’ve got nine things that work.

Then some guy teaches it, and his favorite technique is 13.

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13.

Okay. Cool. He’s got nine techniques that work, 

and a thirteen technique that,

if he’s lucky, he can get away with.

A guy teaches techniques, but the enemy wears armor.

Some more techniques are left out,

and more ‘specialized techniques’ are added.

Time passes and students don’t have the weapons threat any more,

but they keep practicing the ‘specialized techniques,’

and they are adapted, changed, altered,

for different circumstances.

After a few years,

not even hundreds or thousands,

but just a handful of years, 

three or four generations,

a few cultural changes,

and the art looks like this:

1, 2c, 5, 5f, 5g, 8, 3h, 16, 89, 1b,

b3, 43, 23k, 2k, yellow, 63fg, 7, 4little, 19, 9…

and eighty more techniques.

All to count to ten.

Everybody has added, changed, adapted, included

techniques from other arts, other countries,

been influenced by religion, politics

and their mothers aversion to violence.

And this what the martial arts look like today.

ALL of the martial arts.

People take years to memorize a sequence of ‘numbers’

that make no sense, are out of order,

and often don’t work at all.

Do you know what matrixing looks like?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Simple. Easy to learn and…


It becomes intuitive right from the get go.

And it can be applied to ANY art!

You can figure out which techniques

belong in the sequence,

should be kicked out,

should be changed to work,

and so on.


the hidden blessing…

once you matrix your art

your mind has experienced intuitive thinking.

It begins to function differently.

It is quicker and more logical.


is matrixing for everybody?


People who are stuck in their art as a belief system

should not learn matrixing.

they don’t have the ability to learn,

and especially to be intuitive.

They will end up frustrated and critical.

Anybody who is critical is usually stuck.

People of low intelligence.

And this situation is truly terrible,

for it includes most people educated in the modern systems.

Go to school and you are likely more stupid

and even unable to learn.

But if you aren’t stupid,

and you aren’t locked into the arts as a belief system,

and you can learn…

matrixing can have a profound effect.


the proof.

I’ve got 0ver 700 pages of wins from people.

I’ve been pushing matrixing,

in some form,

since the eighties,

and I’ve only had two returns in that time.

But the real proof is this…

Money back guarantee.

Looks, it’s subjective,

the only person that can prove it is your experience.

Not somebody else’s words,

but your own dig in and find out the truth self.


here’s the link…


You can study it in other arts on the site,

but this was the first and most effective course.

Have a great work out!


And thanks to everybody who picked up my book,

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Don’t forget to give me five stars.

Those ratings help my sales.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.

(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)

My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them  for 5 stars.

The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.

The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.

Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.

My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings

so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:

A Karate Training and Workout Book

 (Two Volumes)

Why the Horse Stance?

Good morning!

Summer is coming,

so start thinking about what art

you’re going to learn this summer!

Let’s talk about the horse stance.

It is considered by many

to be THE stance of classical martial arts.


First, because the body is an energy system.

If you’ve gotten any of my courses

you’ll remember that

weight equals work equals energy.

When you sink your weight,

your tan tien has to create more energy

that energy can be used in strikes, blocks, etc.


how much energy do you need?

Or…how deep do you go in your stance?

I used to practice holding a horse stance

with a stick laid across my thighs.

This made my thigh bones horizontal to the ground,

was difficult,

and gave me lots of strength

and even a bit of flexibility.

But it was impractical for fighting.

If you go lower,

if your butt is below your knees,

you’re not in a horse,

you’re in a squat.

If you go higher you’re not getting the power.


you don’t need to practice those low, low stances forever.

Practice for a while,

till you have the power,

then raise your stances and use that power in your mobility.


I never practiced those super low stances in forms.

I practiced them in a meditation we practiced

which we called ‘Kima Chasie.’

I apologize if I have the spelling wrong,

or even the translation,

which we were told meant,

‘horse meditation.’

We would assume a stance with the bottom of our butts

on a level with the top of our knees.

A very slight slope.

We would hold one hand in an open hand high block,

and the other hand stretched to the side

with the fingers turned in a ‘beak’ to the rear.

This gets painful real quick,

but if you realize one simple idea…

‘it may hurt but it won’t kill you,’

and just sit through the pain,

the pain will eventually stop,

and you will have super leg power,

and incredible mental power.

So how deep should the horse stance be?

Depends on what you’re doing.

Are you seeking mobility?


Something else?

Are you doing it in meditation? 

Part of a form?

For some other reason?

It’s up to you.

But what is guaranteed

is that the horse stance is a profound secret of poweer,

if you can get past the pain

and tap into your inner self.

Prepare for the summer!

Plan your work outs now!

Set up your dojo!

Every form is a prayer,

every technique reveals your heart.

Have a great work out!


(thanks to Kumar)

And thanks to everybody who picked up my book,

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan for Real Self Defense!

Don’t forget to give me five stars.

Those ratings help my sales.

Don’t forget to check out the interview

The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.

(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)

My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them  for 5 stars.

The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.

The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.

Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.

My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings

so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:

A Karate Training and Workout Book

 (Two Volumes)

Speed Posers in Martial Arts!

Last newsletter I talked about the basic poser technique,

a technique where the attacker has to wait

while the defender does the technique.

That’s the basic thing you’ll see

that makes a technique useless and unworkable.

A secondary poser would be one where

the defender has unrealistic hand speed.

The attacker throws a punch or two,

and the defender’s hands are a blur,

almost invisible.

But is it realistic to assume

that you will be that much faster than your opponent?

In a fight everything speeds up.

Your attacker is going to speed up.

And that includes doing unorthodox things

that you won’t see on the mat.

So the idea of you being incredibly fast

and the opponent reacting in an exact, prescribed manner,

is false.



Don’t practice techniques where the other guy waits for you to do the technique.

That was my first advice from the last newsletter.


practice techniques that are simple and basic,

and rely mostly on basics,

until you go out of your body.

This happened for me

right before I got to black belt

on applications from the form Botsai.

(Bassai, other spellings)

We did the three blocks

right at the beginning of the form,

and I knew I couldn’t keep up with the three attacks.

Month after month I practiced,

Trying to do something I knew I couldn’t do.

With endless practice I started to economize my motion,

and I started to use my body as one unit.

What I call CBM,

or Coordinated body Motion.

All parts of the body begin motion at the same time.

All parts of the body end motion at the same time.

All parts of the body contribute to the motion

according to the various percentages

of muscle, mass, etc.

One day I was doing the technique,

and suddenly it was as if I was behind my head,

not looking through my eyes,

but seeing everything without blinking.

My hands moved,

perfectly CBMed,

and my ‘whole body speed’ was faster than the attack.

That was a major point for me.

My body working as one unit,

being apart from my body,

and my body moving in response to my thought,

and not because of ‘reaction times.’

I often hear people talk about muscle memory,

and that is a silly concept.

Your muscles don’t remember sequences.

They remember pain,

but the real ‘memorization’

is a circuit in your mind.

And that circuit is enacted by you.

The human being.

And if you practice long enough 

the circuits tend to delete

and you move without the need for circuits.

Which is seen as you being apart from your body.

Moving in…’the now.’

So good martial arts is liberating,

imparts a certain freedom of the soul.

And that is why you have to stay away from posers of ALL kinds.


most arts are so filled with posers

they rarely impart this freedom of the soul.

But almost any art can work

if you simply get rid of posers,

Focus on techniques that rely on basics

and a true estimation of time and speed of hands and so forth.

I would recommend applying Matrixing to your art

to make this happen.

Matrixing is the only scientific analysis of the martial arts.

Remember this:

Science only measures.

Matrixing provides solutions.

Obligatory ad coming up.

check out

The Last Martial Arts Book: Nine Square Diagram Boxing


This art has the meditative aspects of Tai Chi,

the simple, modular approach of Pa Kua,

the workability of GOOD karate,

and goes from block and punch

the closure of distance

to grab arts.


I’m almost ready to publish a book on advanced Nine Square techniques,

including the only form in Nine Square Diagramming.

Stay tuned,

sign up for the newsletter if you haven’t,


Have a great work out!


Don’t forget to check out the interview

The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.

(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)

My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them  for 5 stars.

The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.

The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.

Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.

My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings

so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:

A Karate Training and Workout Book

 (Two Volumes)

Poser Martial Arts Techniques!

What makes a good martial arts technique?

Actually, it is easier to ask what makes a bad martial arts technique.

I think I’m going to write a bit on this on future blogs,

but let’s start with what I call a ‘poser.’

First, before I give you the facts,

go on youtube and ask for bunkai,

or martial arts techniques,

or form applications.


have that page open while you read this newsletter.

The prime example of a poser technique is

when the defender punches,

then waits for the defender to do his technique.

This flaw,

this ‘stop-motion’ in the middle of a technique

 is the quintessential definition of a poser.

In a real fight people don’t throw one punch and stop.

Does a fellow stop in the ring after he punches?


take a look at the technique open on youtube.

Does the attacker stop motion after a punch?

If he does,

no matter what,

no matter how august the art,

or prestigious the artist,

that is a poser technique.

If it’s a really bad poser,

if the attacker is frozen for a long time

it’s fun to take a stop watch to him.

Now, here comes the bad news.

Film yourself doing techniques,

or just watch other students do them.

How many of your techniques are posers?

The answer is a lot.

Most arts are about 90% poser.

In my art we train extensively

with a matrixed form of Lop Sau.

In this perfect exercise

the techniques we practice are in use.

They are not slices of a form

designed to teach you something abstract

that is not necessarily useful in a real fight.

We train so that you segue directly into counters,

so you can handle the secondary attacks that MUST happen

because of the body position you are in

and the techniques you are using.


the point is that you must examine your art

no matter how much you love it,

and define and eliminate all poser techniques.

To not do this is to invite a beating.


obligatory ad.

If you are curious about my lop sau,

my ‘perfect drill for fighting,’

check out

The Last Martial Arts Book

Nine Square Diagram Boxing

But DON’T get this version.

Look around and find the version with over FIVE HOURS of video links!

That’s five hours of video training

for the price of two books.

That is THE BEST deal anywhere!

And it will make your karate technically correct

and give you all the real techniques!


guys and gals

thanks for being martial artists

you make the world a better place…

Have a great work out!


Don’t forget to check out the interview

The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.

(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)

My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them  for 5 stars.

The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.

The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.

Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.

My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings

so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:

A Karate Training and Workout Book

 (Two Volumes)

The Essence of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune

I wrote

a couple of newsletters ago

about the essence of Bruce Lee’s Art,

Jeet Kune Do.

Let me expand just a bit on that.

Bruce was concerned with the initial point of contact,

the entry into the fight.

So he figured out that there were five places

where you could ‘attack an attack.’

And that one concept

really sums up

The Way of the Intercepting Fist,


You can interrupt an attack before it starts,

you can stop an attack on the way in.

You can attack and attack at the point of contact.

You can attack when the attacker is on the way out.

You can beat an attacker after the attack.

Obviously, each one of these points

has certain considerations.

Number five, for instance,

attack after it is over.

That’s like saying start anew,

but i fully understand Bruce putting it

with the five points of attack.


his attack could be summed up 

with three steps,

kicking, punching and kneeing/elbowing.

So his basic drill was


punching the pads on the way in

and closing for the knee elbow.

Now this is simplicity,

and it is genius for its simplicity.

So where do I differ from him?

I analyzed lots of arts like he did,

but I decided the essence of the martial arts

was not to obsess on attacking.


you have to throw the punch

or do the throw,

but you should see it coming

before it happens.

This idea,

seeing something before it happens,

was a product of the karate style I studied.

It’s very zen.

I often wonder 

if Bruce had studied Karate,

I mean in a ritualistic setting,

he would have come up with similar idea.


But the point is this,

I decided that the time to handle the attack 

is when it reaches a certain physical point,

and that point would be when it enters ‘slapping’ range.

I structured Monkey Boxing around this idea.

Don’t charge in a fight,

rely on the sla[ping distance.

Part of it was that I’m 6 foot and 200 pounds,

so I encountered smaller guys

who were faster.

When I stopped trying to get them,

and relaxed and waited for them,

then I started winning.

I was no longer the big ‘sitting duck,’

but a guy who’s punches they ran into.



there are many different ways

of looking at this matter of fighting.

Bruce isn’t right or wrong,

neither am I.

We’re just people with strategies,


and preferred methods.

And the real point is that you

have to look into each art

and play with the techniques

until you understand the concepts,

then put what works for you together.

The martial arts are not a set in stone methodology.

They are a changing, adapting tactic.


obligatory ad…


My method.

amongst all my other studies and methods.

It sets you up for weapons, hands and feet and takedowns.

Check it out.


one last thing…

I get wins from people all the time,

and ometimes I like to share them,

hope somebody else’s wins 

can inspire oyu.

So here is Justin Harris…

I just had a hell of a workout with my Matrix Karate forms plus House 1, House 2, and Moon form. The interesting thing about a matrixed form is how well it stays in memory. I hadn’t practiced these in a while but I busted em out today and let me tell you they are so natural and intuitive, they just flowed right out of me. I can’t remember many classical forms I learned years ago. But the interesting thing is that the logic of a matrixed and organized form sticks in the mind and body better than random stuff. Not saying classical forms are bad, I do quite a few of them sometimes but logic and a clear sense of how to make the art True makes things so much easier. 

Many thanks!

Sifu Justin Harris

Dragon Palm Tai Chi and Kung Fu

Thanks, Justin,

I appreciate the kind words,

and I love it when Matrixing works for people.


have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview


I’m always pushing my novels,

did you know I write other stuff?

If you want to know the truth about government,

you will find some startling matrixing going on in


Defining Closed Combat Systems in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 849

Here’s How Closed Combat Systems Work

An EXCELLENT morning to you!
And a great work out!

Gonna talk about Closed Combat Systems,
But first…

You may have noticed that the site was down for a couple of days.
My host server moved me to a newer computer,
and lost my site.
Couldn’t believe it.
I kept calling them,
even getting nasty,
which is something I don’t do.
They finally got it back up,
I was actually irritated.

I don’t usually get angry,
or even irritated because when things happen,
that’s life.
You solve it.
You don’t let emotions get in the way.
it’s back up,
so let’s talk about CCS,
or ‘Closed Combat Systems.’

There used to be nothing but CCS in the martial arts.
That’s because martial artists tended to be paranoid.
Didn’t want to talk to the competition.
So the growth of the arts was slow,
and things tended to…here comes the word…

To understand this word consider:
a move in the martial arts is a series of small steps.
A simple punch,
for instance,
consists of:

sink the foot,
push with the leg
turn the hip
rotate the shoulder
extend the arm

aside from these five basic points,
there are ALL sorts of minor points,
minor points that are ABSOLUTELY crucial to a good punch,
to a REAL martial arts punch.

breathing to the tan tien, breathing as if into the strike, turning the wrist or not, focusing the eyes, focusing the energy, turning the limbs so that proper alignment is achieved, coursing energy the right way, and on and on for everybody part every motion every notion.

A good martial artist will be aware of ALL these things, and conduct them,
just like an orchestra conductor conducts a 100 piece orchestra, and all in a split second.

To make this all happen the martial artist visualizes,
and causes to come into being,
a ‘circuit.’
That is,
a sequence of awareness impulses that drive the nerves,
muscles and bones of the body machine.
And there is a lot more to it than that.

some people think it is all ‘muscle memory.’
Muscle memory is a small part of it,
and the term isn’t even accurate.
For it is not the muscles that remember,
it is the spirit setting up a circuit of awareness.

Setting up a ‘robot action,’
as it were.

The point behind all this silliness and significance
is that one practices a move until it becomes intuitive.
Until he doesn’t have to be aware
of all the little pieces.

And one practices these moves until the individual aware pieces disappear
and one is left with…

So one establishes a circuit
just to make it disappear.
One piece at a time,
through endless practice,
the circuit becomes an intuitive move.
The circuit disappears.
The student is left with himself,
and is now n expert,
on the way to becoming a master.

the point of this is that…
old arts, because they didn’t change,
became heavily circuited.
Changes occurred in small increments,
and the whole art could absorb them.

Fast forward to the twentieth century.
Books, magazines, internet.
Tournaments every week,
Dojos on every corner.
The appearance of LARGE corporations!
these corporations would even enlist
people from OTHER schools
to fill the demand as they expanded.

systems changed.
Ed Parker went through multiple organizations,
five different systems,
hundreds and hundreds of schools,
and he was just one of the thousands of people
causing havoc to the CCS.

The CCS method broke down.
The art changed.
The age old method that caused intuition ceased functioning.
the quality of black belt went down.

I know because I was there.
I started martial arts in 1967,
studied MANY different arts,
wrote for the mags and saw TREMENDOUS evolution.

let’s be honest,
there were a few problems with the CCS.
It wasn’t efficient,
but it did work.
But it was replaced by something less efficient.

People who put aside forms entirely and taught fighting.
People who put tournaments above individual awareness.
Vested interest aimed at slanting the art for making money.
A nationalistic bent that caused SEVERE tweaking of styles.
of course,
the utterly despicable rise of politics.
And so on.

So the CCS died.
And that brings us to me.

I had a fellow who wrote me the other day,
asked me what my purpose was.
Purpose is an interesting thing.
I am speaking,
of course,
of the purpose of one’s life.
Why a person exists.
Why one would choose to have boringness in this universe
on this planet in this geography at this time.

We all have purpose.

I laughed when I was asked the question,
and I responded.

‘To make a science of the martial arts.’
I further said,
‘I accomplished my purpose,
now I’m just playing.’

And it’s true.

let me give you a little perspective on me.

My father was an engineer.
I grew up reading such mags as
popular mechanics,
popular science,
all sorts of ‘how to do’ mags,
a little bonus,
my father was a golfer.
So I read all these mags with the most fascinating pics.
Pics of men with planes placed over the body
to show how the hips moved
to swing the club
to drive the energy
the analysis of the blade of the club
on the dimple of the ball.

I applied this to the martial arts.

In fact,
when I picked up my first martial arts book,
(Super Karate Made Easy!)
I was stunned at the lack of clarity.
hundreds of drawings,
showing moves and techniques,
self defense situations,
No planes through the body,
no analysis of how the hips joined to the legs to the feet
to sink the weight
to provide torque to the shoulders,
so the wrist could snap at the right time,
the moment of impact.


So there came my purpose,
to put the ‘how to,’

as my life passed
I realized that I was obsessed with putting science
into the martial arts.
Something NOBODY had ever done.

I succeeded.
Got over 600 pages of testimonials
letting me know that I succeeded.
And I didn’t pursue these testimonials,
they came out of the blue.

So I succeeded.
I’m not famous,
not rich,
don’t care.
Because money and fame is not the purpose of life.
The purpose of life is to become competent in something,
and to share that competence.

So I succeeded when I sold my first matrixing course.
I succeeded because that fellow,
whether he bought into my scheme of arts or not,
was putting science into HIS OWN art.

And he was going to pass that science down
for one simple reason:
it was true.
It worked,
and you can’t argue with the universe.
Only a fool would want to.

people can disagree with me all they want about art.
Art is subjective,
it is the expression of the person,
and every person is different,
has ever disagreed with matrixing.
Matrixing is the logic,
and it is an analysis of,
and is based upon,
cold, hard science.

Not the limited science of the colleges and western influence.

A science that includes such things as chi power,
and all manner of ‘sixth sense’ phenomena.

now you know what CCS is,
for what it’s worth,
you understand what drove me,
what inspired this obsession of mine,
and how it all worked out.

of course,
there are a few loose ends here.

The main being…
what do you do to reinstate CCS.
And that,
interestingly enough,
is where we come to matrixing.

With matrixing you go through certain evolutions.

you realize how to make your system work.
You apply the principles,
start to streamline your art,
and therefore create your own CCS.

Be sure,
you will learn 10Xs faster and more efficiently,
1000Xs faster and more efficiently,
if you create your art.

When you take apart the art you learned,
be it Taekwondo, Aikido, or whatever form of Kung Fu…
and put it back together,
you are involved in a form of creation.
You are the artist.
You are no longer
‘monkey see monkey do.’
You are the one making something that is unique to you.
Even though it is based upon other arts,
it is unique to you.

you start to create your own art.
You finish aligning the systems you learned,
and you start expressing yourself,
creating an entirely different martial art
than anything you’ve ever learned.

This is the ultimate stage of CCS.

you never close your mind to others.
Matrixing won’t allow you to.
You learn a system,
you IMMEDIATELY start figuring out
how to make that system mesh with everything else you know.

Matrixing IS a CCS.
Matrixing allows you to put ALL arts,
all the pieces,
into one ‘picture.’

of course,
it requires you to obsess.
Just as it required me to obsess.
just as I said the purpose of my life was to put science to art,
and as I said the purpose of life itself is to become competent,
the purpose underneath it all is…
to put order to everything.

You put order to the tools in your garage.
You tune your car so it is in order and can run.
You talk to people at work
to make sure you are on the same page,
thus putting order to your work.
requires order,
and it is the obsession of every right thinking human being
to make that order happen.
On that scale it becomes almost religious.

let me say one…last…thing.

As I said,
I have achieved the purpose of my life.
I achieved it when I sold my first matrixing course.
And I achieve it when you buy my course.
at the end,
when you have achieved your purpose…
you play.

That’s what is at the end of Matrixing.

Not fame and riches,
not dominance and subjugation,
not corporate ownership and king for a day,
but the single and sole ability…


So get a course,
start the journey,
and come play with me.

Have a great work out!

any trouble with courses,
any questions about anything,
drop me an email at:


Click to access 1monsterJournal1.pdf


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so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!


How Neutronics Works in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 765
How Neutronics Works in the Martial Arts

Happy June Gloom Work Out!
Here in Los Angeles it gets foggy and misty,
very un-summerlike,
but it is a breath of coolness
time to work out,
because it is going to be hotter than the devil’s zipper
in a short while.

this newsletter courtesy of Rick T.,
a master instructor,
one of my original students from way back when.
about 1984,
if I recall correctly.

Rick told me to shut up and talk about Neutronics.
He says I always back off,
and I do.
The reason I back off is because most people
need the discipline of the martial arts
for this stuff to make sense and work.

If you don’t have some kind of discipline,
it just rolls off,
becomes meaningless words.
Say three hail mary’s and call me in the morning
type of stuff.

If you do have discipline,
the world opens up.
Words open a reality unbelievable,
and the universe becomes simple dimple.
Anything you want you can have.
You know the truth.
And the only thing stopping you is you.

Neutronics is the study of you.
You find you by finding the motionlessness inside the motion.
By finding the awareness that is you
that causes all motion.

I remember one fellow who had lots of experience,
and he wrote back after doing Neutronics,
that he couldn’t stop thinking about motors and the universe
and how it all worked.
He was awake,
totally different,
and couldn’t stop.

And so many people get nothing.
No discipline,
or the discipline they had
was not matrixed,
not focused,
just a general mish mash of physical work out
without the awareness being engaged.

So let me tell you one simple thing
as to how I use Neutronics.
This is REALLY simple,
but has immense effect,
once you understand it,
and can use it.

There isn’t a person among us
who hasn’t experienced somebody coming towards them.
Displaying hostility,
even an outright threat.

Maybe it’s a boss who got up
on the wrong side of bed.
Maybe it is a mate
and you left the lid up.

Maybe it is a drunk,
enraged because he thinks you’re someone he knew
ten years ago,
and is still pissed at.
So what do you do?
How do you handle it Neutronically?

Here is the simple,
one sentence response,
which pulls the plug,
and puts you TOTALLY in control.

You simply say the following phrase:

‘You’re coming towards me.’

This is a shocker,
takes the juice out of him,
and of the situation.

Or it doesn’t,
and you now know you have to strike first,
or at least reposition yourself.

Here’s why this works…

The universe is filled with objects,
these objects have a direction
The direction is flow.
If an object collides with other objects,
you have force.
So all there is in the universe
is force and flow.
And to handle the universe
all you have to do is handle force and flow.
Or flow,
so that any force that happens,
is as you want it.

When you tell a person he is coming towards you,
he is suddenly spotlighted.
All attacks will be fruitless.
He can’t get close.
He can’t sneak punch.
He can’t chest bump you.
He is spotted,
his trajectory is plotted,
and his aggression is notted.

if he keeps coming,
if he doesn’t care that he is illuminated,
then his insanity is on display,
and you can consider that he means you harm.
You can side step.
You can,
if the situation is dire,
hit him first.
After all,
you are sane,
he is not,
so who should survive?

and I mean it.

there is a LOT more to it than this.
This is just the sneak peak.
The heads up,
something you can use and verify.

it won’t work if you don’t have the discipline.
here’s a trick,
you have to tell the bozo who is coming at you
without your voice going in any direction.
You must not have emotion.
You must not lean away or towards him,
or even be side stepping.
And this is incredibly hard to do.
It is easy when you have a real black belt,
especially one backed up by matrixing.

But if your art is tilted and slanted,
skewed by power or money
or any kind of belief system,
it won’t work.
It might even make the situation worse.

But if you do have matrixed discipline,
then it works,
and every time.

When it works the situation always devolves into talk.
But that’s okay.
You talk,
he talks,
and aggression disappears.

beyond this,
I’ve written a half a dozen books on Neutronics,
giving principles and examples,
explaining how things like motors work
and what are the three parts of the universe
and so on and so on.

By itself,
nothing but words.
With Matrixed discipline,
as in the martial arts,
it totally changes you.
And if it doesn’t change you,
you simply need more matrixing,
more martial arts.

here is the URL


If you like what I’ve said here,
if you get some of the books
and like them,
tell me,
hit the like button,
I’ll write more.

If nobody says anything,
it all just goes into the sunset,
sinks into the waves,
to await a day when people are more disciplined,
are ready to realize their true potential,
are ready to be able to do anything they want.

have a GREAT work out!



How to Make an Invisible Force Field Around Your Body!

…And Kill People by Looking At Them!

The one thing that gets me concerning the Martial Arts, and it shouldn’t, but it does, are ads like the one right below.

I Couldn’t Believe I Froze Up … What’s Really Ridiculous Is That I’ve Been Trained In 13 Martial Arts Since I Was Only Four Years Old, So I, Of All People Should Have Been Able To Do Something, But I Couldn’t – I Didn’t Know What To Do In This Exact Situation, Even Though I Practiced Many Similar Situations. This Was A False Sense Of Security.

matrix karate black beltdynamic tension muscle building for martial artsThis ad is off the internet, it’s part of a big pitch designed to empower people with ‘invisible force fields’ that enable them to handle multiple attackers with their bare hands, to tear apart whole mobs, and without any martial arts training.

Or, as in the case above, the guy had studied lots of fighting disciplines, but they didn’t work.

Okay, so let’s look at the real facts here.

Fact Number One: I doubt if the guy studied Karate, or Kenpo, or Aikido, or even a smidgeon of Shaolin. But if he did, he better ask for his money back because…They weren’t the real thing, they weren’t real fighting disciplines.

Fact Number Two: In spite of the hype of ads like this, ads which actually degrade the real martial arts in favor of making money for some bum who studied no martial arts, or martial arts that weren’t real, there is no substitute for learning a real martial art.

A fake, comic book, internet scam martial art is a handful of tricks that look neat, but have little relation to each other.

A real self defense method is a LOT of tricks, tied together with effective theory so that everything relates, and which then can work on you to change your mindset and make you a better human being.

Consider this: a real art, like Karate or Gung Fu or Krav Maga develops intuition. It develops a sixth sense. Let me tell you this: if I was that guy I wouldn’t have awakened when the bad guys so much as stepped on my property. The hairs would have stood on my neck, I would have been wired, I would have been more alert than Defcon Five! Because THAT is what a real fighting discipline does to you. It wakes you up, it makes you intuitive, it gives you that sixth sense. 

Consider this: when you study a real discipline, like Jujitsu or Wing Chun or good, old Karate, when somebody holds a gun on you…you instantly wake up! You are more alert than you have ever been, and you can’t stop the scenarios from enfolding in your mind. I can do this, I can do that, and you sort through them and wait, because you know, when the time comes, that you won’t be thinking, you will be doing.

Concerning the above two considerations, the above two chapters, I speak from personal experience. This is not a hype, or a war story, or some whimsical comic book supposition.

So the conclusion is this: if you don’t know a real form of self defense, a classical method that’s been formed through the centuries, then you are a sitting duck. You have no discipline for emergencies, you have no plan, and you likely don’t even have the conditioning.

Yes, sometimes a form of self defense like Karate or Kung Fu might have some mistakes in it, maybe defenses against weapons that are no more, maybe a poser technique, but even these problems tend to make you think, condition your body, give you alternatives in the extreme. Everything is an education, and it really all depends on what you do with it, whether you make it real enough to save your life.

And, here is the truth: don’t bother with the hype, don’t bother with comic book ads. Only seek out real martial arts, real forms of self defense. Learn them fast, and learn more than one, because what one doesn’t teach another one will.

To do less is to stand on the street in the middle of the mob holding hundred dollar bills and scream ‘Don’t take my money!’

You’ll end up in the gutter faster than fast, and it’s your own fault for not being prepared, for not getting in shape, for not giving yourself a real Martial Arts education when you could have.

About the Author: Al Case has studied Martial Arts since 1967. He is the originator of Matrixing Technology, which is the only science of the martial arts in the world. People who learn Matrixing can absorb classical martial arts three times faster, and make them work three times better.

Do People Who Buy Gimmicks Deserve to Die

The gimmicks I refer to are martial arts internet scams.

I opened up my email today and found a little gem about ‘family self-defense. It opened with the usual, a scary scenario where a guy’s whole family is at gunpoint. Then proceeded to state that anybody could kill you anytime because of the internet (burglars are getting smarter!)

Then, of course, the solution: this guy had studied 13 different arts, but couldn’t defend himself. So, now that he had lain like a victim while his family was terrorized, he had had epiphany. He boiled down his 13 arts, his 1800 useless self defense techniques, and had come up with a ‘family self defense systems.’

tong bei amazon ad

martial arts instructor course

Anybody for a little hard work?

This person talked about how useless classical martial arts are, and how he could now train anybody, even if they were fat, lazy, diabetic and in a coma, to drop a gorilla with a simple one finger pressure point strike, leverage the Gracie Brothers with a simple fulcrum principle, have mental powers that would shield them from an attacker, and all with out using their hands.

And in one hour.

The price, of course was a number ending in 7.

I used to read these ads on the back of comic books, and it appears that the internet is the new comic book ad venue. Back in the sixties it was a guy who kicked sand in your face, but you took this miraculous weight lifting course, beat up the bully, and got the girl.

Now the target for these ads are old men who sit around and worry about Obama, ISIS, and the home invasion that is going to happen to them.

Here is the truth concerning these ads.

You can’t learn anything of value in an hour. Especially not without tons of hours of training to learn about the body, the leverages, the construction of the skeletal structure, and the way people react in combat.

Now, the fellow is right, in certain ways. The Martial Arts can be considered useless conglomerations of techniques that don’t always work…but only if you don’t work at them.

You have to make them work if you’re going to make them work.

Now, I haven’t boiled the martial arts down, I’ve organized them so that techniques become easier to learn. I’ve put logic in them so that intuition can happen faster.

But if you think you aren’t going to have to work, you’re a fool.

So, do the people who buy these internet marketing martial arts gimmicks deserve to die?

Nobody deserves to die.

But these fellows who buy gimmicks, instead of applying themselves to better conditioning, a knowledge of how to defend themselves, will probably be the first to die, or to at least lie like a trussed up pig while bad guys ravage their homes, their daughters, and so on.

IF, home invaders do happen to call on them.

Big If.

Anyway, if you are a success at anything, you know it took long hours and hard work. Sure a few people got lucky and hit the lottery, but the majority of people who have success earned it the old fashioned way: hard work over long hours.

So why not apply that principle to the martial arts?

About the Author: Al Case has been studying the martial arts since 1967. A writer for the magazines, and the originator of Matrixing and Neutronics, he has produced a score of martial arts training videos. All of them take work and intelligence, and not one of them is a gimmick. If you really want to protect yourself, in a logical and efficient fashion, check out Matrix Karate at MonsterMartialArts.com.

Making a world Class Fist Load, or How I chose the Munio

The Munio Fist Load Keychain Martial Arts Weapon

A Fist load is a Japanese term for a hand held martial arts weapon of the small variety. In this classification you would find brass knuckles, possibly saps, and definitely Kubotans.

munio self defense keychain

chinese hand karate martial art

Complete art, a pivotal time in matrixing ~ click on the cover!

And, you would definitely find Phil Ventrello’s handy, little keychain called a Munio. You can read about the Munio, and of my test of it, here, (https://alcase.wordpress.com/2014/12/01/munio-self-defense-is-great-martial-arts-equipment/)

What you don’t know is that at one time, a few years ago, I decided to make one of these key chain killer devices myself.

First, I went to the lumber store and bought a six inch dowel.

Then, I went to the hardware store and bought a handful of nasty and sharp, little nails.

Then I measured the spread of my finger in a fist, and pounded the nails through the stick at the measured points.


I was holding a gnarly stick that fit perfectly into my hand and projected the points of some very, sharp nails between my fingers.

I had a device that could be adapted to carry keys, would fit in my hands, could be used to pound like a hammer, or flail like a small mace, and I pitied the fool mugger who wanted my skinny, little wallet!

And, here is the thing, I could make these suckers and sell them!

I could see it in my mind’s eye, mass produced by some third world country, recommended by police officers and Navy SEALs everywhere, and people would buy them like hot cakes!

Hot cakes with nails in them, but still hotcakes!

Conjecturing over this massive sales bonanza, adding up zeros in my head, I slid my home made fist load into my pocket and—OW!

The nails ripped apart my pants and scored my skin! And when I tried to take it out of my pocket it hurt even more!

I stared at the nasty, little martial arts tool. It bled at me. Darn. It was so perfect, but you couldn’t carry it. Heck, it would defeat any kind of holster, rip apart clothes, and…and if I was caught carrying one of these I would be guilty of intent to maim and all sorts of other stupid laws!

So I tossed it in the trash.

And, several years later, I carry a Munio. And now you can understand why I was so excited when I came across the Munio.

Munio means ’I defend.’ It can be carried into an airport, it won’t zap some poor fool into a heart attack, it won’t spray you in the face, and the darned thing is really cool looking!

Yet you can flail the keys and use the butt of the thing to pound sense into some poor mugger’s face!

Heck, I showed mine to my wife, and though she has NEVER showed an interest in martial arts weapons, she said, “Can I have one?”

So, check it out here…http://www.munioselfdefense.com/munio-workshops/.