Tag Archives: taekwondo master

Poser Martial Arts Techniques!

What makes a good martial arts technique?

Actually, it is easier to ask what makes a bad martial arts technique.

I think I’m going to write a bit on this on future blogs,

but let’s start with what I call a ‘poser.’

First, before I give you the facts,

go on youtube and ask for bunkai,

or martial arts techniques,

or form applications.


have that page open while you read this newsletter.

The prime example of a poser technique is

when the defender punches,

then waits for the defender to do his technique.

This flaw,

this ‘stop-motion’ in the middle of a technique

 is the quintessential definition of a poser.

In a real fight people don’t throw one punch and stop.

Does a fellow stop in the ring after he punches?


take a look at the technique open on youtube.

Does the attacker stop motion after a punch?

If he does,

no matter what,

no matter how august the art,

or prestigious the artist,

that is a poser technique.

If it’s a really bad poser,

if the attacker is frozen for a long time

it’s fun to take a stop watch to him.

Now, here comes the bad news.

Film yourself doing techniques,

or just watch other students do them.

How many of your techniques are posers?

The answer is a lot.

Most arts are about 90% poser.

In my art we train extensively

with a matrixed form of Lop Sau.

In this perfect exercise

the techniques we practice are in use.

They are not slices of a form

designed to teach you something abstract

that is not necessarily useful in a real fight.

We train so that you segue directly into counters,

so you can handle the secondary attacks that MUST happen

because of the body position you are in

and the techniques you are using.


the point is that you must examine your art

no matter how much you love it,

and define and eliminate all poser techniques.

To not do this is to invite a beating.


obligatory ad.

If you are curious about my lop sau,

my ‘perfect drill for fighting,’

check out

The Last Martial Arts Book

Nine Square Diagram Boxing

But DON’T get this version.

Look around and find the version with over FIVE HOURS of video links!

That’s five hours of video training

for the price of two books.

That is THE BEST deal anywhere!

And it will make your karate technically correct

and give you all the real techniques!


guys and gals

thanks for being martial artists

you make the world a better place…

Have a great work out!


Don’t forget to check out the interview

The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.

(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)

My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them  for 5 stars.

The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.

The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.

Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.

My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings

so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:

A Karate Training and Workout Book

 (Two Volumes)

How to Be a Professional Martial Artist…

Newsletter 872

Final Word on Professional Martial Arts Instructor

Happy Sunday morning!
I find sunday work outs to be so spiritual.
But any day of the week,
I can get spiritual
by doing a form.

You simply get into your form.
Push distractions out of your universe
and focus only on the form,
you’ll find a deep sense of self
that is truly rejuvenating.

got a wonderful first win off
The Professional Martial Arts Instructor book.
Here go…

Greetings Al, I have recently finished the PMAI manual and I think its excellent and well put together. I already have a number of your books, but this one, is my favorite.

I have purchased a number of your Martial Art books, in the past, and enjoy reading them still. What I like about this specific book is, the way you have laid and lined out the information from many of the your earlier books, in a very easy to understand format.

Really, the first two sentences sum up the importance and need, for this book.

(“The essence of a teacher is the ability to transmit a thought to a student. Without this ability there is no education, there is no future for civilization.”)

To the point that although I have done many of the things, and practiced your arts described in the manual, this book has a load of new information. That I find very valuable and even after 7yrs of working on the material, you are correct, in your earlier newsletter about valuable new information.

Excellent information again!

As stated earlier, I have read the book in its entirety and will read it again. I would suggest one thing, I think a few study questions at the end of each chapter, would be a great study aid…maybe just a few questions per chapter and a answer page, at the end of the book.

I think that this will help as a study aid. If even though, like me, you have scribbled notes in your copy, a study guide would be beneficial.

Really a great manual if you are aspiring to be a PMAI.

Well done Professor!

I do believe I will pursue certification.

Have a great workout

thanks to SG,
I appreciate your kind words.

for those who aren’t interested,
I’m going to be addressing the Professional Martial Arts Instructor book this issue,
so if you’re not interested,
go work out,
and I’ll talk to you next newsletter.

launching of the book is about over,
so let me address a few concerns
and tell you where this is going.

I love doing videos,
but I’m a writer first.
When the EMP goes off
and computers are gone,
we’ll be back to books.

When the archives of digital information fade,
we will still have books.
the written wordiest exist
before we can do anything else.

I love books.
And in this series I wanted to do one thing…
put down the information,

That is the big difference between this series of books
and the old matrixing video courses
and even the original martial arts books.

Mind you,
the information in the old stuff is still the best,
and it includes a tremendous amount of material
that space forbids me from including in the new books.

But the main thrust is

It is easy to do the martial arts,
you just monkey see monkey do,
but then it takes decades for the information to seep through,
the real reasons.

It is hard to teach the exact reasons why,
to give all the drills,
to outline the reasons for the drills,
how they work and interchange,
and so on.

I hope this answers that simple question:
what is the difference between,
Matrix Karate (and a few other courses)
and the PMAI.

that said,
the series of books I am working on
includes how to teach all my material.
The next book is

Profesional Karate Instructor.

I’m half done,
another month or two,
and we’ll have the complete step by step,
with all the reasons why,
as to how to teach Karate.
I have books on Gung Fu,
Tai Chi,
and Monkey Boxing,
all planned out.

interestingly enough,
I have two other books,
one done and the other almost done.

The first book I did was years ago,
and it is
Matrixing: The Master Text.
That one is being set up for actual book publication right now.

The other book is the complete works of Neutronics.

The four basic books
The Neutronic Viewpoint, Prologue, 24 Principles, and Neutronics,
all in one massive volume.

So I’ve got a lot of work to do.
But I feel it is imperative.

Let me say something,
don’t mean to offend anybody,
we are all at different points of evolution,
but I get emails every once in a while
where people say:

I need to watch it on video.
I don’t understand what people say in words,
but if I can see it…

I am glad they are able to Monkey See Monkey Do,
but the core here is information,
and information is best shared by reading,
not by seeing.

Imagine seeing Buddha meditate,
would you understand what he is doing?
You’d just see some chubby half asleep.
And that is the reality when you get to actually teaching the martial arts.
To understand the real martial arts,
you have to understand the concepts.
You can get some of that understanding from watching vids,
but not all.
For complete understanding you have to be able to understand the written word,
you have to be able to churn concepts in your cranium.

I repeat,
I love writing.
and that’s why everything I’ve done,
has to be set don in books,
and not just from the simplistic how to do,
but from he viewpoint of how to teach.

Okey, Dokely,
thanks of putting up with my rant,
I’ll get back to the basic smash and trash,
the beat and defeat,
of the martial arts next newsletter.

Have a great work out!



go to and subscribe to this newsletter:



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so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!


A New Master Instructor!

A New Martial Arts Master Instructor!

martial arts master

Click on the pic, become a Master instructor yourself!

congratulations to
Master instructor John C. Enger
Here is his win…

Hello Al……

Has been a few years now since purchasing about everything you offered on your site…including the “Masters Instructors Course”.

I can tell you this…… in over 40 years of Martial Arts and a retired law enforcement Commander who instructed Defensive tactics and was my department’s SWAT Team Leader there is nothing which compares to the material you have put into the “Masters Instructors Course”. — and I mean nothing! I have many, many book and manuals and what you have put together is the “Bible” needed for every martial arts instructor, young and old to learn some new things and truly call themselves a MASTER INSTRUCTOR. If one applies all of what you have poured into this material they will be far ahead of the average instructor out there. Thank you for sharing this gold mine of information which I certainly believe will be timeless in its instruction!

Also….I have for the past two years studied the OUTLAW KARATE course material and have instructed much of it to my students. THANK YOU for this great system. I wish I had studied under you many years ago to have been able to have received at least my SHODAN in this system from you. It is indeed an incredible system….. although not ranked in the system from you personally I want to tell you that a great many students have learned and greatly benefited from you through me teaching what you have imparted to me through your DVDs and manual. I hope you do not mind my sharing this with students. Since i do not hold rank in it I must teach it as an add on …. but what an add on it is Al!

Thank you John,
and well done.
You really make my day.
And for everybody,
here is John’s website…

Shinja, incidentally, means ‘believer.’
Very nice.

a couple of things…
John has pointed out that
the material of the Master Instructor course
is true,
and sets a standard.
And this is important,
and I am going to say something rather controversial in a few paragraphs,
may even cause some hate mail,
but I sort of enjoy hate mail.
Makes me grin.

So John mentions teaching Outlaw Karate…
and not being certified.
So let’s talk about certification.

Who gave the first black belt?
whoever it was,
he wasn’t certified,
he simply
convinced everybody he knew what he was doing,
and he offered his blessings
and made up this thing called a certificate.

there are two certificates in the martial arts that mean something.

that certificate you spent a couple of years bleeding for.
working out every day of the week,
learning a method
that makes human beings
out of these animal earthlings.

who’s to say your art is any good?
Might be a rotten art,
you know?

that damned certificate means something!
You Fing earned it!
You paid for it with your sweat and soul.

That brings us to the second certificate you should prize,
The Master Instructor Certificate.

Your first certificate,
in the art of
Aikido or Karate or Kung Fu
or something somebody put together,
it represents your blood and tears,
your hard work over time,
the polish of your soul.

The second certificate,
the Master Instructor Certificate,
represents that you understand
what you are doing.

The second certificate,
even though there is no blood and bruises behind it,
shows that you are no longer a ‘monkey see monkey do’ instructor,
but rather…
somebody who understands the martial arts.

There is a huge difference between somebody who does the martial arts,
no matter how well,
and somebody who understands what they are doing.

to be honest,
if your art is a lousy martial art,
once you do The Master Instructor Course,
it will become a good martial art.
You will suddenly understand
the WHY behind the stances
the WHY behind making ANY technique work
the WHY behind internal power
the WHY behind EVERY move in your forms
and how to get the idea of WHY
from inside your head to inside your student’s head.

you will understand how to make your art perfect,
and in some cases,
you will understand why you need to change certain things
to make your art perfect.

want to hear something interesting?

Some 30 or so years ago
I lived in Ukiah, California
As I have done in every town I have lived in
I taught martial arts.
One of the people I taught was Tom Mann.
Tom then opened a martial arts school in Willits, California.
he taught for a number of years,
his student took over at a certain point,
and they had students who went out to other areas
and taught this thing
which I called Kwan Bup.
one night a couple of years ago
I got curious,
and I googled ‘Willits Kwan Bup.’
What I came up with was this link…

starring a fellow name of Sono Carrigg.

it is obvious that this fellow hasn’t done the Master Instructor course.
And his form,
if he really did five years of training,
is lacking.

I happened to be up in Willits last year
and I saw Tom,
and I asked him about Sono Carrigg.
I asked Tom who had taught Sono.

Tom said,
“I don’t know.
I know I didn’t,
and I asked the guys who teach around here,
even from other schools,
nobody knows who taught him!”

How interesting.

at this point
you might be wondering,
was I upset that he was teaching my art?
Was I enraged that he represented himself
as in my lineage?

What he teaches is his problem,
not mine.

Here is a point to be understood…

Never get upset at how little a man knows,
just do something about how little you know.

That is a truth.

So now I have John Enger,
most respectful,
(if you took a look at his website
you can see that he insists upon
surrounding himself with competent martial artists.
two of them have Master Instructor Certificates.)
and John is teaching part of my art.

That’s fine,
I want people sharing my art.
I don’t care if you take it apart,
you might make something better.
I don’t care if you call it something else,
you are making it your art.

But I would wish
that you do the Master Instructor Course
before you teach ANY art.

If you wish certification in an art,
we can set up a video test.
But if you have the Master Instructor Cert,
signed by me,
then that is all you need,
because that means that you not only bled and fought,
but you understand,
most important of all,
that from this point on
you won’t be passing down some sort of hackeysack kung fu,
but something that you fought for and…

There are too many people out there
who don’t know WHY they are doing forms
who don’t know WHY the techniques are done the way they are done
who are good at convincing the news media
that they know something
but who haven’t studied with anybody
and don’t know anything,

And I told John,
Teach what you want,
call it what you want,
I know that since you have done The Master Instructor Course,
your teaching will be true.

I hope you guys understand what I am saying here,
I am not necessarily a believer in large associations.
Large associations tend to breed politics,
politics breed policing the martial arts,
which leads to passing state requirements
and a board of certification
and a certificate signed by politicians.

I do believe in your hard work,
and I believe that The Master Instructor Course
will help you out
and bring us a better you
and a better martial art
and a better martial future.

It all comes down to one man.
Not an organization,
not outrage because somebody down the street
is a lousy martial artist…
it all comes down to you.

And I know that The Master Instructor Course
will make a better you,
and make a better art.

my apologies for running off at the mouth,
I can see that this isn’t my most polished writing,
but it certainly is heart felt.

I’ve included the link for the Master Instructor Course here.

1d Master Instructor Course

It is money back guaranteed,
recommended (by win)
by probably a hundred Master Instructors,
and these are mostly guys with decades of experience
and in multiple martial arts.

increase your understanding,
do this course and
become a martial arts instructor who knows WHY,
It will make a better you,
and a better martial art.

have a great work out,


1d Master Instructor Course

What is a Master in the Martial Arts?

Newsletter 691
Mastering the Martial Arts

Good morning!
Good work out!
Good you!
That’s right,
you get up in the morning,
you work out,
and you feel great all day!
And that is what you should be doing
every single day!
Without fail.

martial arts master

becoming a master in the martial arts. Click on the little man now!

before I start,
check out the pics on the right,
That is a matrixing family.
Note the closeness,
the warmth,
the grins…
that is what martial arts are supposed to do!

beat people up.
Protect yourself and loved ones.
the grins on the faces,
the look of knowledge in the eyes,
THAT us what it is all about.

that smiling family just brought home a truckload of trophies,
went to a tournament and had some kind of fun.

what is a master?

The first definition I came across is
‘a guy who has slaves.’
We can chuck that one,
because martial arts are about freedom,
not slavery.
They give you competence,
clarity in life,
the ability to take charge.
Not slavery.

Second definition I noticed right off..
‘skilled practitioner of an art.’
that’s good.
here is the one I live by…

acquire complete knowledge or skill in (an accomplishment, technique, or art):

The word is COMPLETE!

And the confusion that people have is this;
they think that being able to beat people up
makes them a master.

Being able to beat people up
makes you a bully.
It doesn’t make you a master.

It is the knowledge that you must possess.
Not the ability to beat people up.

speaking of beating people up,
a master has control,
and he controls another fighter,
the whole situation,
so that there is no fight.
That is a master.

You can see that a lot of people
should be turning in their business cards…
right now.

They insist upon being called master,
because it is necessary to their esteem,
because that is the ritual in their system,
because a bunch of old men
had decided they had paid their dues.

But they have never been judged for knowledge.

here are some questions for you.

Where does chi come form?
What is chi?
Can you tell what art somebody knows
by watching the geometry he displays
in the way he uses his body?
Can you see what somebody is thinking?
Can you make somebody release his anger
merely by being with him?
Can you control your emotion
so that it NEVER gets in the way?
Can you help a student
and NEVER get frustrated
by his ‘stupidity?’

These are the things that are inherent in a master.

they can freestyle,
they can beat people up,
but they never have to.
They have control of themselves,
to the point that they can control any person
in any situation.

Not the power to beat up, hurt and maim,
but the patience to help and teach and guide.

many arts try for that ideal,
and some make it
every once in a while,
but none of them make it
all the time.

Yet EVERY art could.
And every artist could.
All they have to do is matrix.
That means apply logic
to their art
and to themselves.

The seeds of success are in EVERY martial art.
the arts have been so screwed up,
so messed up,
mixed together with other arts,
slanted by well meaning instructors who didn’t really understand,
politically corrupted,
and so on.

The purpose of matrixing
is to help people see the truth of their art.

Without matrxing,
you might see it,
you might glimpse it,
after thirty or forty years.

With matrixing
everything falls into place.

Don’t get me wrong,
it is going to take work,
but it will be organized work.
Work that leads somewhere.
Work that makes the man…
the very enlightened man.

I haven’t said this stuff for a while,
I’ve talked about everything else
from enlightenment to testicles,
but don’t get me wrong…
this planet is messy,
people are screwy,
and the martial arts are one of the easiest ways
to make things right.

But don’t take thirty or forty years.
Order the Master Instructor course right now.
find out how to use your body without muscles.
Find out the six secrets
that will enable you to make ANY technique work.
as soon as you see these truths
you will start going through your forms
looking to make sure you are doing the right things.
You will go through all your techniques,
focusing on the simple truth
to make them work.

No more confusion.

And you will be able to show ANYBODY
how to master the martial arts
by teaching these 13 things.

You will know the simple three step method
that will enable you to teach anybody the martial arts.

thanks for letting me say all this.
And for those who have done the Master Instructor course,
thanks for becoming masters.

Next newsletter I’ll probably take it easy,
every once in a while
I get the severe urge
to just shake people by the shoulders,
to take them and shake them
and say…

I really want people to succeed in the martial arts,
and I want a better world,
and the Master Instructor Course
is a huge step towards this.

Okey donkey.
Thanks for being,
take care
have a GREAT work out!
And I’ll talk to you next newsletter.


1d Master Instructor Course

Monster Newsletter #336–A New Master Instructor!

is Monday the greatest?
Or what!
A new week,
a chance to work out all over again,
and again and again!

what makes this week especially juicy is
a new Master Instructor!
As I said last newsletter,
there were two new ones,
and this is the second one…
congrats to Master Instructor Alex Rodriguez!

Hi Al. Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I enjoy all of your DVDs. Since I got the first one I have been hooked. I watch them at home, the office, on my iPod when I travel. Keep up the great work.

I am writing to share one of many wins as a result of the Master Instructor Course. When I received the DVDs a few months back I watched them four or five times and read the manual several times as well. I am currently a student of Tai Chi, Hapkido, Jeet Kune Do and Kali/Eskrima. My level of study and retention have increased significantly, and I have been asked by my various instructors to assist during classes and training sessions. Several of the people I study with have asked me to train with them separately, or look forward to partnering with me in class as they figure that they can learn something from me. It is very flattering when they tell me this, but it is also very humbling. There is great responsibility in working with someone else, and I take that to heart. I hate the monkey-see, monkey-do attitude of teaching, and work hard to avoid that, instead I use the principles that you have outlined in the course.

A couple of the guys have started coming over to my house where we train in my garage. Tai Chi is very new to me (although I have your two DVD sets, I have been doing it in a class for only a couple of months) and my instructor continually pairs me up with newer and advanced students alike as she can see that I understand when she is teaching and am able to teach it to others. My fellow students like to pair up with me during sparring because I will stop and explain certain evasive techniques, proper kick placement, CBM, and more. They tell me that they learn from me.

Thanks Al. Your work is phenomenal, and I so look forward to my daily dose of matrixing.
Alex Rodriguez

Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for understanding the responsibility here.

You know,
I don’t know how many of you remember,
but there was a question
a number of months ago,
what happens if a guy has no martial arts experience
and he takes the Master Instructor course.

This is not to say Alex has no experience,
he is obviously off and running
and in the greatest of ways.
no matter what level of student he is in a class,
people seek him out for his knowledge.

this is the age of knowledge.
These are not ancient times
when people couldn’t read,
had to follow the directions of the man in the castle…
these are times
when every man and woman
can make of themselves
exactly what they will,
and the secret of making yourself
is in passing your knowledge along.

This is so freaking true
I should be SHOUTING IT!
When you teach somebody
there is a momentary space in your mind,
you have emptied something,
and something else will rush in to fill the gap.
When Alex teaches,
he is learning.
Like as not,
after showing somebody something,
passing some juicy tidbit of knowledge along,
he’ll be driving home
and he’ll have a thought.
Probably couched in a feeling of satisfaction.
Realizes something
he didn’t think about before.
Some connection is made.

This is my secret,
it works every time.
Every time I release a book or video,
I am suddenly freed up
and having thoughts
beyond what I was doing.

The door has opened for me.

And I know
that this brings the quality of martial arts
up in this world.

I die today,
come back tomorrow in another body
I know I will find better martial arts,
and it is all because of the master instructors.

So thank you, Alex.
And thanks to all you other Master Instructors out there.
Thanks for making this world
a better place to live in.

I don’t have much else this week,
hard to get better than a new Master Instructor,
if any of you guys and gals have a great photo
pass it along.
I’ve got a little project going,
you’ll find out about it within the month,
if you have a photo, preferably a jpeg or a tiff,
but at least something that can be read by a mac,
pass it along.

Working out in a strange place?
Caught flying through the air with a triple jumbo splat kick?
cheesecake that’s not to…(ahem) dangerous?
Send ‘em to me.
I might be able to use them in a really cool project that I am working on.

Okey doke,
I’d love to say more,
but I think,
I’ll just tell you to go to the Master Instructor page.
I know you’ve read it before,
but read it again,
see yourself in a new light,
grab a hold of a little of your true power.

don’t make me say it twice…
don’t make me stop this car (grin)…
just get out there and…



Here’s the URL again.


This is two DVDs
with the secret of perfect form
and perfect technique
The manual comes on CD (PDF).

Quote time…
take a bit of wisdom
and change it into a bit of martial arts wisdom.
a fun exercise for the mind
and good for the soul.

I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and the freedom fighter’s gun in the other. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.
Yasser Arafat
I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and practicing the martial arts. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.

A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like, but he’s not a man of action. You must act as you breathe.
Georges Clemenceau
A man who waits to do the martial arts is not a man. You must act as you imagine.

A Buddha is someone who finds freedom in good fortune and bad.
A Buddha is someone who finds freedom in the martial arts.

A leader is a dealer in hope.
Napoleon Bonaparte
A leader is a dealer in martial arts.

More next time.

Send me your wins!

How Can You Call Yourself a Martial Arts Master? (Part One)

The Truth About Being a  Martial Arts Master

There are a lot of people teaching the martial arts these days, and a lot of them call themselves Master, or give themselves other presumptuous titles. Of course, there is a big difference between talking the talk and walking the walk. Many of these so called masters are, quite simply, not.

martial arts masterMaster is a term that means one has power and authority over something. It is a term that is common to the English culture, and common to other and ancient cultures. Heck, seems like somebody is always trying to have power and authority over something…somebody…whatever.

So let’s consider these modern times and these people who call themselves masters. Let’s take a look at whether they really have what it takes, or whether they are fake. Let’s consider what a Master needs to know.

First, a Master needs to know something. Doesn’t matter if it is the technology of flower arranging or the technology of the martial arts. They have to have technical knowledge of the field they are claiming to be masters in.

Unfortunately, the technology of the martial arts is largely unknown. All those kids in the schools, all those military men, all those housewives and UFC watchers, they don’t know the technology because, quite honestly, the technology has never been actually codified and put down on paper. And it has to be able to be put on paper because, as the music maestro once said, if it can’t be written down, it isn’t music.

Yes, we know what the cross over chokehold is, and the spinning rear kick, and all those other terms. We know they relate to certain body positions, and we know what they can do. But…why?

What are the physics involved? What are the physics of the set up? What are the physics of the mental state necessary to the implementation of the technique.

It is not enough to say twist this or pull that, there has got to be a description able to be written in physics, and, unless the master knows these physics, he isn’t a master. What’s worse, is that this is only the first item of two that need to be known for a person to be an actual and bona fide master. I’ll tell you the rest in part two of this article on martial arts mastery.

Check out Matrixing Karate: Master, the details of what it takes to Master Karate are written out in plain English.