Tag Archives: kenpo master

Speed Posers in Martial Arts!

Last newsletter I talked about the basic poser technique,

a technique where the attacker has to wait

while the defender does the technique.

That’s the basic thing you’ll see

that makes a technique useless and unworkable.

A secondary poser would be one where

the defender has unrealistic hand speed.

The attacker throws a punch or two,

and the defender’s hands are a blur,

almost invisible.

But is it realistic to assume

that you will be that much faster than your opponent?

In a fight everything speeds up.

Your attacker is going to speed up.

And that includes doing unorthodox things

that you won’t see on the mat.

So the idea of you being incredibly fast

and the opponent reacting in an exact, prescribed manner,

is false.



Don’t practice techniques where the other guy waits for you to do the technique.

That was my first advice from the last newsletter.


practice techniques that are simple and basic,

and rely mostly on basics,

until you go out of your body.

This happened for me

right before I got to black belt

on applications from the form Botsai.

(Bassai, other spellings)

We did the three blocks

right at the beginning of the form,

and I knew I couldn’t keep up with the three attacks.

Month after month I practiced,

Trying to do something I knew I couldn’t do.

With endless practice I started to economize my motion,

and I started to use my body as one unit.

What I call CBM,

or Coordinated body Motion.

All parts of the body begin motion at the same time.

All parts of the body end motion at the same time.

All parts of the body contribute to the motion

according to the various percentages

of muscle, mass, etc.

One day I was doing the technique,

and suddenly it was as if I was behind my head,

not looking through my eyes,

but seeing everything without blinking.

My hands moved,

perfectly CBMed,

and my ‘whole body speed’ was faster than the attack.

That was a major point for me.

My body working as one unit,

being apart from my body,

and my body moving in response to my thought,

and not because of ‘reaction times.’

I often hear people talk about muscle memory,

and that is a silly concept.

Your muscles don’t remember sequences.

They remember pain,

but the real ‘memorization’

is a circuit in your mind.

And that circuit is enacted by you.

The human being.

And if you practice long enough 

the circuits tend to delete

and you move without the need for circuits.

Which is seen as you being apart from your body.

Moving in…’the now.’

So good martial arts is liberating,

imparts a certain freedom of the soul.

And that is why you have to stay away from posers of ALL kinds.


most arts are so filled with posers

they rarely impart this freedom of the soul.

But almost any art can work

if you simply get rid of posers,

Focus on techniques that rely on basics

and a true estimation of time and speed of hands and so forth.

I would recommend applying Matrixing to your art

to make this happen.

Matrixing is the only scientific analysis of the martial arts.

Remember this:

Science only measures.

Matrixing provides solutions.

Obligatory ad coming up.

check out

The Last Martial Arts Book: Nine Square Diagram Boxing


This art has the meditative aspects of Tai Chi,

the simple, modular approach of Pa Kua,

the workability of GOOD karate,

and goes from block and punch

the closure of distance

to grab arts.


I’m almost ready to publish a book on advanced Nine Square techniques,

including the only form in Nine Square Diagramming.

Stay tuned,

sign up for the newsletter if you haven’t,


Have a great work out!


Don’t forget to check out the interview

The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.

(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)

My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them  for 5 stars.

The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.

The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.

Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.

My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings

so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:

A Karate Training and Workout Book

 (Two Volumes)

Use the Eyes Correctly in the Martial Arts

Newsletter 955

The Eyes Have It in the Martial Arts

I’ve got a student
and he can’t look at me.
His eyes focus on me briefly,
then he looks somewhere else,
down at the ground,
off to the side,
and I know he is unconscious.
Unconscious being not conscious of me,
taking his eyes off his attacker.
In the martial arts
if you take your eyes off the target,
the target hits you.
So I asked him,
have you ever flipped anybody off?
He got self conscious,
nodded and mumbled in the affirmative.
I said,
Your body flipped them off,
and you told your body what to do.
There is a separation
you see,
between body and spirit.
I asked him if he ever took a leak.
He laughed and said yes.
I said,
Your body leaked.
You didn’t leak,
you told your body to leak.
And he started to get it.
And here is the lesson.

You don’t look at the chest,
and try to see everything.
You don’t look at the hands/feet.
You look at the eyes because…

If a car was driving towards you
should you look at the driver or the car?
You look at the driver
because he is controlling the car.
He is the spirit behind 2000 pounds of metal.
So you look at the eyes,
and you look for the awareness
that is driving a 150 pounds of flesh and blood.
And that’s where you look.
And somebody who disagrees,
is simply WRONG,
and I prove it with my next words.
you see,
I told him one other thing.
A very important thing.
What is the one reason
you always look forward,
always keep the eyes open?
The answer is simple,
and yet so hard to grok and do.
The spirit radiates in all directions.
It is aware from the center of a sphere,
looking outward in all directions.
So the one reason a person always looks outward
is so that he doesn’t look inward.
You can’t defend yourself
if you are looking inward.
If you are looking inward,
you are not aware of what’s coming to hit you.
the one reason,
the only reason,
for looking outward,
is so that you don’t look inward.

Here’s the obligatory advertisement,
do yourtself a favor and go there…

4ac Rolling Fists

This is the one drill I use
to train people to look outward,
it works,
and it is better than ANY drill
in ALL the martial arts.
I developed it myself,
putting the missing pieces into
some of the lop sau drills in other arts.
This is the complete and real deal.

Have a great work out!

4ac Rolling Fists


Allow me to say that in 27 years of Chinese martial arts your Lop Sau instructions are the most clear and cogent ones I have ever in my life encountered. ~ Justin H

“There is no comfort in the growth zone and no growth in the comfort zone”

What is a Master in the Martial Arts?

Newsletter 691
Mastering the Martial Arts

Good morning!
Good work out!
Good you!
That’s right,
you get up in the morning,
you work out,
and you feel great all day!
And that is what you should be doing
every single day!
Without fail.

martial arts master

becoming a master in the martial arts. Click on the little man now!

before I start,
check out the pics on the right,
That is a matrixing family.
Note the closeness,
the warmth,
the grins…
that is what martial arts are supposed to do!

beat people up.
Protect yourself and loved ones.
the grins on the faces,
the look of knowledge in the eyes,
THAT us what it is all about.

that smiling family just brought home a truckload of trophies,
went to a tournament and had some kind of fun.

what is a master?

The first definition I came across is
‘a guy who has slaves.’
We can chuck that one,
because martial arts are about freedom,
not slavery.
They give you competence,
clarity in life,
the ability to take charge.
Not slavery.

Second definition I noticed right off..
‘skilled practitioner of an art.’
that’s good.
here is the one I live by…

acquire complete knowledge or skill in (an accomplishment, technique, or art):

The word is COMPLETE!

And the confusion that people have is this;
they think that being able to beat people up
makes them a master.

Being able to beat people up
makes you a bully.
It doesn’t make you a master.

It is the knowledge that you must possess.
Not the ability to beat people up.

speaking of beating people up,
a master has control,
and he controls another fighter,
the whole situation,
so that there is no fight.
That is a master.

You can see that a lot of people
should be turning in their business cards…
right now.

They insist upon being called master,
because it is necessary to their esteem,
because that is the ritual in their system,
because a bunch of old men
had decided they had paid their dues.

But they have never been judged for knowledge.

here are some questions for you.

Where does chi come form?
What is chi?
Can you tell what art somebody knows
by watching the geometry he displays
in the way he uses his body?
Can you see what somebody is thinking?
Can you make somebody release his anger
merely by being with him?
Can you control your emotion
so that it NEVER gets in the way?
Can you help a student
and NEVER get frustrated
by his ‘stupidity?’

These are the things that are inherent in a master.

they can freestyle,
they can beat people up,
but they never have to.
They have control of themselves,
to the point that they can control any person
in any situation.

Not the power to beat up, hurt and maim,
but the patience to help and teach and guide.

many arts try for that ideal,
and some make it
every once in a while,
but none of them make it
all the time.

Yet EVERY art could.
And every artist could.
All they have to do is matrix.
That means apply logic
to their art
and to themselves.

The seeds of success are in EVERY martial art.
the arts have been so screwed up,
so messed up,
mixed together with other arts,
slanted by well meaning instructors who didn’t really understand,
politically corrupted,
and so on.

The purpose of matrixing
is to help people see the truth of their art.

Without matrxing,
you might see it,
you might glimpse it,
after thirty or forty years.

With matrixing
everything falls into place.

Don’t get me wrong,
it is going to take work,
but it will be organized work.
Work that leads somewhere.
Work that makes the man…
the very enlightened man.

I haven’t said this stuff for a while,
I’ve talked about everything else
from enlightenment to testicles,
but don’t get me wrong…
this planet is messy,
people are screwy,
and the martial arts are one of the easiest ways
to make things right.

But don’t take thirty or forty years.
Order the Master Instructor course right now.
find out how to use your body without muscles.
Find out the six secrets
that will enable you to make ANY technique work.
as soon as you see these truths
you will start going through your forms
looking to make sure you are doing the right things.
You will go through all your techniques,
focusing on the simple truth
to make them work.

No more confusion.

And you will be able to show ANYBODY
how to master the martial arts
by teaching these 13 things.

You will know the simple three step method
that will enable you to teach anybody the martial arts.

thanks for letting me say all this.
And for those who have done the Master Instructor course,
thanks for becoming masters.

Next newsletter I’ll probably take it easy,
every once in a while
I get the severe urge
to just shake people by the shoulders,
to take them and shake them
and say…

I really want people to succeed in the martial arts,
and I want a better world,
and the Master Instructor Course
is a huge step towards this.

Okey donkey.
Thanks for being,
take care
have a GREAT work out!
And I’ll talk to you next newsletter.


1d Master Instructor Course