Category Archives: pa kua chang

Creating Martial Arts Systems and Styles

Newsletter 818 ~ Sign up at the top left!

A Buddha Crane Matrixing Win!

Got a great win from Timothy G this week!

martial arts training manual

Check it out ~ Click on the cover!

Hello sir.
It’s going well. Really well. Once I was able to connect Buddha crane with shuri ryu, the pieces began to fall into place all by themselves.
The Buddha crane is the foundation of the kihon waza, ippons waza and came into their own flow drills(taezus naru waza).
Making changes to the Kata isn’t as easy, but I have done the first few Kata. Even crazier, I found someone who has already blended shuri ryu with something. So, it came rather easy.
Upon showing him how I’ve made changes opened his eyes and he’s asking me to give him pointers on how to make his karate be more ‘alive’.
My shuri ryu master is dead and I never got the chance to get my black belt. So, I’ve gone thru these people I’ve run into and just from what I showed them they are willing to bring me to the black belt in shuri ryu.
I’m not sure if that’s even important now, being that I matrixed the whole art, but I do hope to bring this understanding of shuri ryu to the table. Thus, starting a new (sub) ryu to the family.
I couldn’t have done it without you. Osu

Thank you, Timothy,
and well done!

And for everyone,
please take note of a few things here.

The classical is not suffering,
drills and exercises have more flow,
which comes from increased understanding.

Making changes isn’t always easy.
Aside from the fact of understanding
the potentials of the martial arts
enough so that you can make intelligent changes,
you have to force yourself to change something
that you have come to believe in.

Changing a belief system is often the hardest thing
a man can do.

He shows his changes to another fellow engaged in changes,
and he becomes the authority.
he isn’t just changing,
he has the knowledge,
and this is something that people really respect
and will adhere to.

Upon showing his changes to others
he is recognized as expert,
or having the ability to be expert.
Osu to you, Timothy.

here is a very interesting question:
how important is the black belt at this point?
People going through these changes,
are gaining knowledge
and that is senior to black belt.

Maybe one out of a thousand people
that start karate
get to black belt.

But how many have the knowledge
to put together their own system or subsystem?

I encourage everybody to get to black belt,
but I encourage knowledge more.
Understanding is the most important thing you can ever get.

Thanks, Timothy,
your win is fantastic,
and I hope people understand
the trials and tribulations here,
and the incredible passion you have for the arts.

Here’s how I analyze forms. I do this for every move. Check out video courses at This particular technique is from Temple Karate.

I know Timothy has other courses and books on Matrixing,
but he mentions the ‘Buddha Crane’ book.
So let me explain something about that book.

That was the last book I wrote,
I believe,
before starting on Matrixing proper,
before doing all the matrixing courses.
As such,
I was using matrixing concepts hard and fast,
and I was developing a whole art
out of what I knew.
You can see me reworking techniques,
reworking forms,
trying to bring everything into a new slant,
to be proper,
a ‘de-slanting.’
A truth.

Here’s the funny thing,
the book was actually just a ‘toss in,’
a bonus,
on the ‘Create Your Own Art’ course.
I wanted to show how I was creating an art,
give an example
to back up the theories I was pushing.
The book is PDF on the Create Your Own Art Course.

You can,
I believe,
get it on Amazon,
if you look around you can find it.
You can also get it here…

That’s my publishing company,
so I get a bigger royalty
if you get it there.

That page I just gave you
has a complete write up
on what is in the book.
the Createspace version is paperback,
which most people prefer,
because it’s easier to walk around with the book,
than carrying a computer around
while you practice.

a final word,
the illustrations are most interesting,
I wrote it on an old mac,
and the software was something called Appleworks.
What this means is that I drew the illustrations,
hundreds of them,
one line at a time.
I drew figures,
with lines.
I remember,
at the time,
not being frustrated by the slowness of it all,
but being excited,
because I felt like I was,
by doing the illustrations in this slow and laborious way,
learning something about the human form,
writing what I was doing
in a new way in my mind.
By the time I was done
I felt VERY changed inside.

that’s it.

thanks Timothy,
I hope people appreciate your win,
and I hope they take the time to look at the book,
and get their own wins,
take a stab at understanding,
and even changing,
their own carefully crafted belief systems.

And everybody,
it’s summer,
have fantastic work outs!


go to and subscribe to this newsletter:

Google doesn’t like newsletters,
so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!

The Difference Between Tai Chi Chuan and Karate

Tai Chi Chuan vs Karate

One of my work out partners,
way back in the Kang Duk Won,
decided he was going to do Tai Chi Chuan.
He figured it would be easy,
because of his karate conditioning.
He threw his back out so badly
it took him two years to recover.

Soft, flowing Tai Chi Chuan,
and it was too tough for a young karate guy.
What’s wrong with that picture, eh?

What is wrong is simple,
when Bruce, my friend,
did Tai Chi he thought he could just do a karate kick slowly.
But karate is fast and explosive,
the leg is out and back,
in Tai Chi the muscles have to strain to keep the leg up.
And I mean a whole sequence of muscles.
Bruce’s muscles,
though karate powerful,
couldn’t support the leg for an extended period of time,
and the result of his attempting to do such a thing
disrupted the muscles
all the way back to the spine..

Now isn’t that interesting,
tai chi chuan has more ‘weight lifting’
in its moves.
Karate has the fast explosion,
and the muscle tightening (focus)
builds the muscles.
But those muscles are built
at the beginning and end of the move.
In Tai Chi the muscles must support the weight,
throughout the move,
for a long(er) period of time.

A simple difference,
but it leads to an important concept.

Karate is explosive energy.
Tai Chi is suspended energy.

The difference manifests in movements,
in timing,
in focus of concentration,
in emptiness,
in energy.

Now we could actually analyze these differences
from different points of view.
But what I’ve said here is probably the best point to start.

Not speed,
not sensitivity,
though those are important,
but defining how energy is actually used.
Because how energy is used
defines the other terms.
This concept is core.

This is not to discourage you from trying,
but to caution you,
and help you make the transition.

If you do your karate forms slowly,
and round out the edges of your motion,
you can get Tai Chi power.
Just take it easy when you begin.

If you do your Tai Chi forms fast,
you can find Karate power,
and pretty easily.
But you do have to adapt to a different mind set.

Explosive and slow
two sides to a coin,
two sides to the martial arts.
And there are many more sides that these concepts can lead to.

Here’s the link to the Five Army Tai Chi Chuan course.

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

Have a great work out!

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

The Rundown on the Rhonda Defeat!

Newsletter 785

Happy Thanksgiving!
I give thanks for many things,
I give thanks for working out,
and what working out does for me.

Who would have thought,
in these robotic,
poverty stricken times,
there would be such a unique and fun way
to find personal responsibility
and martial excellence?

Before we talk martial arts,
I want to share a thought.
I was sitting somewhere,
working on my laptop,
and I had this thought.
So I emailed it to myself,
and it’s been sitting there,
and thanksgiving is a good time to share it. Here we go:

Your duty is to observe the universe, to listen to both sides, to never take a stand against one side or the other, until the truth pops out. The truth is not a viewpoint or opinion, it is merely what is.

let’s talk martial arts.

It was a shock when Rhonda got knocked out.
And I don’t understand why it was a shock,
because it was inevitable.
It was inevitable as soon as Joe Rogan claimed that
Rhonda wasn’t once in a lifetime,
she was once in history.
It seems that we finally got the ultimate ‘adjective.’
Not star,
not superstar,
not once in a lifetime,
but once…ever.

As soon as I heard that I knew Rhonda was going to lose.
I just knew.

Part of it is that when you listen to fighters
and they describe what they are going to do to their opponent,
they are living in a fantasy.

‘I’m going to do this.’
‘My striking is superior and he can’t match my grappling.’
‘I’m going to pound his face into the floor.’
I know,
when I hear this sort of thing,
that the fighter is in his own mind,
trying to psyche himself up,
but it is a lost cause.

There is just a hollow feeling,
a ‘spirit-less’ feeling,
to such words said before a fight.

The winner,
on the other hand,
doesn’t boast about what he is going to do.
He is serious.
He has no fantasy distracting him.

Here’s the weird thing:
Rhonda didn’t say such a thing,
it was Joe Rogan.
But it was so unique,
and everybody was so pro-Rhonda,
I just knew she about to fall.

here’s the thing:
when people think they are the best,
there is no place to go but down.
When they are serious,
and look at each fight as a challenge,
a mountain to climb,
there is no where to go but up.

with his statement,
left Rhonda no where to go but down.

I don’t say Rogan made her lose,
there was just a predict in his words.
There was a summation
of the position that the world put Rhonda in.

Tell the truth,
she is probably going to be more alive,
more determined now,
than she was before.
Now she can climb again.
Now she can go up.

the fight itself.

Rhonda tried to box a better boxer.
Holly is a champion boxer,
Rhonda apparently had a fantasy of trying to outbox a boxer,
so she didn’t go to the ground.

I think everybody agrees,
Rhonda would beat Holly on the ground.

What a miscalculation on Rhonda’s part.

what will she do next time?
Will she work on her boxing game?
Of course.
But the heart of her strategy
should be her ground game.
How to avoid Holly’s fist
get under it,
and take that girl down.

I watched Rhonda simply run into Holly’s fat fist time after time,
and I cringed with each impact.

Rhonda can take it.
But it was not smart.
It would have been a lot smarter to assess the distances involved,
and respect Holly as a champ in her own right.

Here’s the truth:
we all strive to be the best we can be.
To strive to beat somebody else,
is only a partial proof,
for it comes at the cost of another human being.
The true art is being the best you can be
without beating somebody else.


That said,
I watch the fights,
I learn from them,
and I appreciate them.
With all my talk,
one has to appreciate the measuring stick.

nuff said.

Go to this course for the complete data
on how to assess distance in a fight.

have a lot of great turkey,
make up for your gluttony with lots of work outs,
and here;s looking forward to…


Have a great work out!

BTW – Thanks to you guys who wrote in and stated that you were part of The Fifty. You certainly are, and thanks.

Sign up for this newsletter at

Three Things to Think about in the Martial Arts

Three Interesting Things About the Martial Arts

what a great Saturday!
deep horse,
glow all day.
You know?

I want to say something,
you might find it interesting:

Everybody on this planet is insane
because there is war on this planet.
If ONE person understood this,
war would end,
and the planet would be sane.

I came across this idea many years ago.
Found it interesting,
thought I’d pass it along.
Let you guys think about it.

I want to say something else,
I’ve been working a lot,
newsletters are fewer,
if I don’t answer an email,
or say something that doesn’t quite work,
let me know.
I make mistakes.
But a mistake is wasted if I can’t learn from it.

while you’re thinking about that,
let me talk about the point of this newsletter.

The most important thing you can do is practice.
I’ve been practicing for near 50 years.
I do forms for maybe fifteen minutes at a time.
So let’s say 15 minutes a day,
365 for 50.
So I have done 273,750 minutes of forms.
Or over 4500 hours.

Now it helps if you are doing the forms matrix style,
with perfect form.
But still,
even if your form is all messed up,
that is 4500 hours of controlling my body.
Which means 4500 hours of learning to control my mind.
Or 4500 hours of refining my spirit.
Of polishing myself.

of course,
I have so much more to go.

But it’s a start.

I just wish I had matrixed forms right from the get go.

Now here’s an interesting thing.

People stop doing a form,
stop repeating a form,
because they feel they aren’t getting anything out of it.
But a form is how you control your body,
which takes control of the mind!
So you are getting humungous amounts of benefit.
It just takes a while to feel it.
To understand and appreciate it.

People stop at Black Belt.
Short sighted.

Martial Arts are not a quick school,
you graduate and never have to do them at all.
They are a long school.
You might learn them fast,
but that should be to teach you how to do them
for the rest of your life.

When I was having shoulder surgery.
I couldn’t do my forms.
But I visualized them.
Doctor’s ready to cut me,
and I am far away,
perfectly relaxed,
occupied with important things.
With the control of my mind.
With learning to be me.

people stop doing forms because they think they know them.
How silly.
You might know what a glass looks like,
but that’s not the same as pouring liquid into it every day,
washing it,
using it,
appreciating all the different tastes of life.

All right.
I could go on forever.
For a form opens the door to you,
and you last forever.

I need to go do them,
not just talk about them.

have a fantastic day
and a great work out!

Next book is almost done.
‘How to Matrix the Martial Arts,
and the universe and life and everything else.’
Until then,
get this one…

Congrats to A New Martial Arts Master Instructor!


Martial Arts Master Instructor Course

my apologies,
I should have announced Jim a few weeks ago,
but this durned Al’sheimers really gets me.

Congrats to Master Instructor Jim McElroy!

Dear Mr. Case
Something I want to say:
I’ve studied martial arts for many years (1977-) and never had them explained as clearly as your courses do. I cannot thank you enough for these courses. Sincerely Jim Elroy
Now with that said here I go:
Some Wins and realizations that i have gotten from your (Master Instructor) course:

sorry to say,
I can’t tell you the rest of Jim’s wins.
The reason is that he goes through the material,
point by point,
explaining exactly how it works,
and how he understands it.

This tells me that he really understood the material,
which means that he will be able to use it,
if I tell you the win then I will be giving you
the contents of the course.

we don’t want to do that!

But here’s the thing,
this is the only course in the world
that people read,
and understand the material
well enough to transform their martial art.
Just by reading!

it is simple stuff,
but it is not talked about commonly in the martial arts,
if it is spoken of,
then only in mystical terms
that reveal a fascination for what is being said,
but no understanding.

This is important,
this thing of mysticism vs understanding.

Three blind men came across an elephant.
One said, ‘it is like a wall!’
The second said, ‘it is like a little snake,’
the third said, ‘it like a fire hose with two big teeth!’

Each has a different viewpoint,
and they pass these viewpoints down
until everybody argues what the elephant is like.

Then you come across one yourself,
and you are not blind,
and you see how each blind man misunderstood,
and you are the only one that truly understands.

This is what matrixing does.
And it does it not by passing down my viewpoint,
but by giving you the actual physics of the martial arts.
Not the western world version of physics,
but the physics that takes into account
things like chi energy,
how the body is constructed for the martial arts,
and so on.

Things that people have rarely heard,
and then only in mystical terms.

my thanks to Master Instructor Jim Elroy.
Well done for that great win.
And my apologies for being so late in announcing you.

now the news,
the next book,
‘How to Matrix the Martial Arts
(and the universe and life and everything else),’
is almost ready to go.
I am actually working on the physical version,
just a couple of things to do,
and then it will be here.

for everybody…
it is fall.
Fall has fallen,
so have you picked an art to dedicate yourself to this winter?
Are you going to know a new art by Summer?

Think about it,
do it,
and let me know how it goes.

Have a great work out!

How the Martial Arts Went Out of Control!

How the Martial Arts Went Out of Control!

A glorious work out to you!
One more step towards paradise,
that’s what a work out is.
Make sure you take a couple of steps today.

Perhaps you’ve heard me say:

there is an art to destruction,
but the true art is in control.

When I was first learning
way back in the middle ages,
we took a lot of pride
to be perfect in our techniques.

We never threw a kick,
and missed and spun around,
like they do in MMA.
We threw a kick, and if it missed,
we retracted the foot right back to the ground.

And we never threw boxing punches,
like hooks and crosses and things.
Those thing broke the line of the body.
they were stronger,
but if you had kicks you never worried about a boxer.
It was more important to hone your whole body,
to have good kicks, punches, blocks, and so on,
than it was to put everything into a wild haymaker,
or some other out of control movement.

I remember the first time i saw somebody
who was out of control in the martial arts.
I was at a tournament,
I think it was up at Richmond,
and this white belt,
when the match was begun,
would charge across the ring,
and start pummeling the other guy.
No art,
no focus,
no technique,
no experience,
no martial arts.
The shocking thing was that he got away with it.
No referee pulled him and his sensei aside,
and told him he would have to know karate
if he wanted to be in a karate tournament.

Not too long after that,
kickboxing started up.
Which was just boxing with a few kicks.
Mandatory kicks,
because it was easier
(required less art,
less attention to detail)
and more effective.

Well, of course it was more effective,
it was the ring,
and you couldn’t kick somebody in the balls.

over the years,
there has been this continuous push
away from the fine tuned attention to detail,
the retraction of the kick and
the focus of the punch,
and now people just bang away
and call it karate,
or martial arts,
or whatever,
and it is.
Not by a long shot.
Doesn’t look like the stuff I learned
near fifty years ago.

The focus,
you see,
went from art,
to beating people up.

And instructors found it easy and mindless
to let people,
to encourage people,
to just throw hooks and jabs,
instead of learning how to generate energy,
and focus it precisely.

Ah, well.

I recommend my courses
if you want to resurrect the art.
I don’t box,
I don’t bang,
I get into the art,
the control,
the discipline that forges the spirit.

Here’s a link…

This link will get you going on the true art,
show you how to make karate,
real karate,
technique work.
Then the door to the real you will open.

Have yourself a great work out!


I Just Received the Ultimate Martial Arts Insult!

Newsletter 750
My feelings is Hurt!

Good afternoon!
Sun is out,
I’ve worked out a couple of times today.
Need to finish this,
then I can work out again!
Absolutely have to!

I received the ultimate martial arts insult
the other day.
Some guy penned it
on one of my blogs,
or somewhere.
He told me,
My art was no better than
‘Enter the Dojo.’

Oh, how I cried.

Enter the Dojo,
for those of you who have lived in a cave these last few years,
is a satire
wherein the ultimate instructor
demonstrates the ultimate art.
there are all sorts of shenanigans.
Between his students ‘mistakes,’
tournament doings,
and all sorts of advice
on the REAL art,
one is left to blink,
shake their head,
and suddenly guffaw.
It really is funny.
here I was,
compared to that oaf.
That insane dojo of idiots.
But here’s the funny thing,
Do you know how incredibly hard it is to be funny?
Ask somebody to make you laugh,
they will blink, stutter, and look at you oddly.
but these guys and gals on
‘Enter the Dojo,’
make it look easy.
They have a polish to their idiocy
that makes you accept it.
in otherwords,
they have a high art.

does this art leech over into their physical martial arts?

In a way,
I would think it would have to.
The timing,
the physical perfection of their faces and moves,
this is not something a two year comes up with,
this is polished professionals at work.
at least people who have a high appreciation
for skilled maneuvers.

how upset am I,
at being compared to Enter the Dojo?
I consider it a high compliment.
To be compared to people with that high desire of polish,
even if only in their comedy,
is quite a compliment.
as I said,
that kind of awareness
has to have a base,
an understanding of what lies beneath,
not just in the art,
but in the soul.
I guess I won’t cry after all.
In fact,
think I’ll grin.
it just goes to show off a neutronic fact:
people who make fun of others,
are making fun of themselves.
Or maybe it was:
people who insult others,
insult only themselves.
something like that.
I’ll keep watching Enter the Dojo,
maybe i’ll get it right.

you guys and gals,
hurry up and work out!
The universe is waiting your brilliance!

get out of that cave and check out Enter the Dojo,
as long as you’re out of the cave,
you might just as well check out

It is state of the art freestyle,
done in living color.

have a great work out!


Turn Up the Heat on Chi Development

Newsletter 740
Turning Up the Chi Heat

here’s a bit of data that not many people know,
and don’t understand if they do.

The word tan tien,
the hieroglyphics that make that word,
have to do with a fire giving off heat.
Some linguist can take me to task,
but that’s my understanding.
The tan tien is an oven giving off heat.

New Gung Fu book! Click on the Cover!

New Gung Fu book!
Click on the Cover!

here’s the funny thing,
most forms of martial arts
do not cause the tan tien
to generate heat.

It’s true.

a little heat.
But there is so much emphasis on correct posture
that people miss the ‘incorrect posture’
that is necessary for giving off heat.

I know Karate is that way,
most Kung Fu styles are that way,
and I know that even I
sometimes misrepresent it.

But the reason I misrepresent this fact
of the tan tien giving off heat
is because learning proper alignment
is more important.
At least,
in the beginning.

So let’s assume you aren’t a beginner,
and want to learn about
the real alignment necessary
for your tan tien to give off heat.

Be subtle when you do what I am about to tell you.

Tuck the hips,
and round the back.

In pa kua I refer to this as
‘turtle backing.’

you will find this posture
in arts such as pa kua and using i.
Not so much Tai Chi,
though some instructors will note it,
but not normally the Yang instructors.

do your form with tucked hips
and rounded back.
Make sure your body is relaxed,
and you tighten only your fists.
Make sure you are properly grounded with your feet.

After doing a half dozen forms,
or repetition of a form,
go sit down somewhere and wait.

Sure enough,
if you’ve done it right,
you will feel a sensation of heat
rising up through your body.

the sensation can get QUITE strong.

what do we do with this?

heat is a manifestation of energy,
so if you are generating heat,
you are generating energy.
Simple dimple.

Now all you have to do is think of your fists
when you strike from that ‘back rounded’ position,
and the energy will start to go into your fists.

a note,
proper body alignment,
taking into account
that it is now okay to round the back
and learn how to line energy through it,
will increase energy to all parts of your body.


Want more?

Check out
Matrixing Chi
on the Monster website.

4c Matrixing Chi Power

a good bet is the book on
The Punch.

4d The Punch

Okely dokely.
I’ll try to get in some kind of groove here,
I’ve been late and missing on putting out the newsletter,
but I can only get better,

have a great work out!


How to Do the Martial Arts Without a Body

Doing Martial Arts as an Infinite Intelligence

Sounds sort of funny, doing the martial arts as a floating mote of awareness, but that is the subject of the latest paper I uploaded to Academia. Here’s the link:

It is the story of what concepts drove me, enabled me to make it through the insanity and chaos of high school, and to find the Martial Arts.

neutronic martial arts philosophyI have spoken of some of these things before, but just felt like stating things a bit more succinctly.

Just remember, the things i speak of need certain elements.

First, a study of the martial arts to provide discipline.

Second, matrixing those martial arts so that the discipline,a nd the whole art, takes on the form of logic.

Third, everything is described in ethereal detail in my work on Neutronics.

So, there you go, hope you like it, it is at academia at the following link.

Publication of Tong Bei Book

Newsletter 733
Announcing the Release of Tong Bei!

Hi guys and gals!
A happy work out to you!
Every morning and every night,
and even in between.
That’s the secret of getting somewhere
with your work outs.

matrixing tong beiSo, busy week,
second book published.
This one is called
Matrixing Tong Bei Internal Gung Fu.

In the past
I’ve matrixed chi power,
set up various forms
for your edification,
but this is something unique,
even for me.
So I’m not going to yak your ear off,
I’m just going to send you to the page.
Here go

Tong Bei

So check it out,
see if it is something you might be interested in.

this is the download deal,
a couple of bucks off,
that I offer people
who follow the site,
take the newsletter,
and so on.

The paperback version will be out
in a couple of days
on Amazon.
I’ll give you the link
as soon as it is available.
Maybe write an article or something on Tong Bei,
give you more information.

for right now,
have a great week end,
and I’ll talk to you later.


Tong Bei

if the order doesn’t work,
or the download messes up,
let me know at