Tag Archives: karate book

The Evolution of the Shaolin Martial Arts!

Most people say the Martial Arts

came from the Shaolin Temple.


the Shaolin Temple is a big influencer.


my own theory is slightly different.


I wrote a short column about ‘Og and Bog.’

Og steals Bog’s apples by conking him on the head,

Bog imagines a defense for getting conked on the head,

and we have a technique

and the birth of the martial arts.

Which is to say

from the very first time

one man raised his fist to another,

martial arts have been developing.

Verbal history,

not a reliable thing,

says that Bodhidharma came to Shaolin from the east,

trained the monks in meditation,

and when they proved too weak to meditate properly,

he gave them the martial arts.

But when you look at the exercises credited to Bodhidharma

they look like calisthenics.

So how do simple calisthenics

become martial arts?

Let’s create a possible scenario

to present my theory.

Warlords reigned,

they conscripted peasants,

and taught them how to fight.

How to use the spear,

how to do basic ‘boxing’ (kung fu).

The peasants who survived the battles

might retire to home,

and go to a temple to pray,

maybe even feel a bit of remorse

 about the deaths they caused

and join a temple.

At the temple they want to stay in shape

so they use the basic calisthenics they used in the military.

They even use some of the fighting routines.

But the essence of the temple isn’t in fighting,

and if one is in daily meditation

and begins a regimen in fitness,

it is conceivable that the exercises they did

begin to take on the form of meditation.

No, not every monk is a warrior,

but if even one soldier takes refuge at the temple

translates his military exercises

into meditation…

that might have great influence.

So we have a sort of a criss cross here

between meditation and physical combat.

It’s a maybe,

but a logical sort of a maybe.

Now let’s talk about what happens if a person

 practices a routine for years,

and especially in conjunction with meditation.

He becomes aware through meditation,

and as he focuses his meditation on his calisthenics,

he achieves a different type of awareness in his calisthenics.

He starts to feel this thing called chi,

a ‘breath energy’ circulating through the body.

He finds this thing called chi is difficult to explain,

but if a person is dedicated to motion,

and to the calm and breathing techniques of meditation…

he can achieve a certain degree of awareness of,

and control over this somewhat invisible energy called chi.

And all this backs up various religious theories.

The interesting thing is that Shaolin happened,

and it is so far back

that all we’ve got is theories.

But we have another art that isn’t thousands of years old.

It is influenced by Shaolin, but…

Tung Haichuan

back in the 1800s

apparently knew some kung fu.

He went into the mountains,

met some monks,

and they taught him how to meditate by walking the circle.

Tung Haichuan supposedly combined

the circle walking and the kung fu

to make Pa Kua Chang.

People immediately invested PKC

with all sorts of religious theories.

The eight trigrams,

all that sort of thing.

A good example of a ‘calisthenic’ being adapted to kung fu,

and kung fu becoming more meditative,

just as what probably happened

thousands of years ago at the Shaolin Temple.


If you look at Karate,

it was a martial art designed by and for palace guards.

Heavy duty self defense

and hard core fighting.

In just a bit over a hundred years it has become

heavily infused with zen concepts.

A martial art expanding awareness

through dedicated and repetitious motion,

until it becomes,

in its purest form,

a source of enlightenment

and spiritual development.


A good question here is

could MMA become spiritual?

I would guess probably not,

and this simply because the techniques are

more dedicated to destruction than control.

The practitioners might even laugh if 

a student wanted to find the zen

behind an arm bar.


it may have taken MANY generations

for Shaolin to become more than

a physical calisthenic for ex-warriors,

and to become a method of awareness and control

and not simply an excuse for destruction.

So that’s my theory,

if you feel it is full of holes,

or you feel some other possibility is probable,

leave comments.

I do want to say that when I developed the 

The Last Martial Arts Book: Nine Square Diagram Boxing

I was trying to create movements

that would have meditative aspects

as in  Tai Chi Chuan and Pa Kua Chang.

I wanted to create a degree of spiritual awareness,

and yet have the art be totally workable on the street.

I want the meditation, the control, the spirituality,

but not at the cost of losing the destructive potential of the art.

Check it out on Amazon,

and if you decide to get it,

make sure you…


Give yourself a present,

and don’t forget to give me five stars!

Have a great work out,

and have a great and profitable New Year!


Don’t forget to check out the interview

The Last Martial Arts Book’ has 12 ratings for 5 stars.

(There is a video version of this book with no stars yet)

My two yoga books have 9 ratings between them  for 5 stars.

The Book of Five Arts’ has 8 ratings for 5 stars.

The Science of Government’ has 7 ratings for 5 stars.

Chiang Nan’ has 6 ratings for 5 stars.

My novel, ‘Monkeyland,’ has 5 ratings for 5 stars

That’s a lot of good ratings

so hopefully you’ll find the book that works for you.

How to Fix Karate:

A Karate Training and Workout Book

 (Two Volumes)

Fighting Without Fighting!

I want to talk about 

fighting without fighting,

but first…

Thanks to everybody for making How to Fix Karate a Success!

It’s on Amazon.

Now then…

Fighting without fighting.

First, you have to learn to fight.

Nothing stops a fellow from trying to mug you

like him knowing you’re going to come out on top.

Get your black belt,

get zen confidence,

nobody is going to bother you.

You learned to fight so you don’t have to fight.

This is the crux of the second amendment,

for those of you who wondered.


somebody STILL wants to fight.

This is the one that it took me years to figure out,

and that nobody knows.

I figured it out while figuring out Neutronics.

In this universe there are only objects that move around.

So you’re sitting there peacefully,

and some guy starts moving towards you

and he wants to conk you.

I simply say,

‘you’re coming towards me.’

And he goes away.

Isn’t that weird?

His body is part of the universe,

and his motion has been detected,

and let me tell give you a little bit of data.

The guy that wants to hit you

doesn’t want to be hit.

Except for the truly insane,

nobody wants to be hit,

and the insane don’t really want to either,

if you dig into them a bit.

So you can defeat anybody

simply by observing that they are coming towards you.

They know you see them,

and they don’t want to get hit,

so they leave.


here is the truly amazing thing about this,

it works against almost any sentient thing.

I’ve used it when a dog wanted to bite me.

A couple of times.

I’ve used it against salespeople.

Isn’t that a kick in the head?

But salespeople who seek you out,

or are a little too much in their sales pitch,

are trying to bully you into something you don’t want.

you just look at them and say,

“You’re coming towards me.”

I’ve used it against people who were bullies.

I’ve used it against people who simply bugged me.

I’ve even used it against those most dangerous of souls…Karens!


it might not work if you haven’t studied martial arts

and gained that peace of soul

that is the end result of the real martial arts.

And I would be careful in a combat zone.

People in riot are not sentient,

take a look at the Kyle Rittenhouse situation if you doubt.

You can use deviations.

‘I see you’ is good.

And there are others.

But the main thing is to see them,

and let them know they’ve been seen.


hope you have fun with this one,

and here’s the obligatory ads,

this for the two two volumes I just published…

How to Fix Karate! (volumes one and two)

volume one is at

And volume two is at…



And don’t forget to check out the interview


I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on 

The Science of Government.

It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

How to Fix Karate is Published!

All right!

I know you are doing fine!

People who study the martial arts are ALWAYS fine!


‘The Book’ is published.

At least the first half is.

How to Fix Karate (Volume One)

The book is over 400 pages long. 

It comes in two volumes because

I can’t put that much material in a single volume.

The book presents eight forms,

the basic forms of karate.

Book one dissects Pinan One and throws it out.


All the way out.

And the reasons are delineated in detail.

I give you the ‘New Pinan One,’ 

which is Matrix One.

A MUCH more intelligent form.

And I give you all the reasons,

and show you how to make 16-20 techniques from that one form.

I then have sections for

what is wrong with pinan two and

how to fix it

what is wrong with pinan three and

how to fix it.

The remainder of the forms,

including advanced materials and

a whole video course

(Matrix Combat),

are in the second book.

I have included links at the beginning of certain chapters

which will lead to videos of me doing the forms.

Please keep receipts

in the event that links change.

This is NOT a book for dummies.

People will think that I have made it too simple,

they will think I have made it too complex,

that my logic is faulty,

they will argue over my reasons and conclusions.

This is good,

because I am going to tell you a secret…

Virtually EVERY martial arts book written

is merely a show and tell

of what they have been shown.

There is almost NO original thought,

certainly not analytical thought,

in the martial arts books on the market.

It is just what they have been shown

and accepted without question.

People have much pride in passing down martial arts

 EXACTLY as they have been shown them.

Nobody asks why.

Nobody looks at the material and says…that technique sucks,

Nobody questions the venerable old master

and asks themselves if the old guy is in his second childhood,

or suffering Alzheimer’s, 

or just had too much to drink.

They just take the art and pass it along,

and they make up reasons for forms that don’t make sense,

and teach the same old worthless techniques

that don’t work in reality..

The only real objection is in the form of people who quit karate.

And they have certainly NEVER looked at the art,

and questioned it,

or they wouldn’t have quit.

They just didn’t understand it and they quit.


Can’t really blame them.


They found karate to be unworkable,

and it is difficult to argue with their conclusions.

Hopefully we can rescue a few of these people

and bring them back into the fold.

Anyway, this book will cause consternation, argument,

and all the other things that a real artist must deal with

if he is to understand the art.

The glory of this book is that I’ll take the forms,

technique by technique,

and tell you not only what is wrong with it,

but how to fix it.

The techniques will suddenly make sense,

which will bring about a rejuvenation

in the belief in forms as a method.

I use logic, history, physics and matrixing to do this.


as you argue over my conclusions

and even think bad thoughts of me

I will have succeeded.

When I was in 6th grade

everybody was doing reports on South America.

Joe had 10 pages.

Barry had 15 pages.

Sue had 30 pages.

And that was about it.

I wrote over 200 pages.

Had to put it in two folders.

Teacher’s eyes popped out.

All the kids started whispering and

I thought I had done something wrong.

Turned out I had actually done something right,

for a change.

But that wasn’t the real story. 

The real story was that the next semester 

we did reports on Central America. 

I did 300 pages.


BUT… six kids had larger reports than me.

Now you’d think I would be disappointed. 

I wasn’t top dog. 

But I had an interesting thought: 

I made those kids do more than me. 

I inspired them.

And I realized that this was what I wanted to do. 

I wanted to inspire people. 

It was cool. 

It gave me such a sense of self worth I never got over it.

And that has been what has been driving me all these years. 

That and the idea that I wanted to write a letter 

to people who live a thousand years from now.

In writing this book I feel I have succeeded in my purpose.

Enjoy the book,

hate it,

argue over it,

and that is my success.

You won’t be able to stop analyzing 

and looking and figuring out 

how to make Karate

the powerhouse it originally was.

I will have made a whole art 

become a method for analytical thought.

Talk about changing the world.

Here is the link.

I do have to thank Ted VanderNoot for his editing.

No matter how hard I look,

the mistakes are still all mine.


If you want to see a real mistake,

glance at the back cover.

It’s a small mistake,

that is huge,

and glaring,

and you’ll laugh.

The second book is going through the publishing process.

I am publishing hard bound copies

in the near future for those interested.

Do me a favor and pass the word

on this book.

And give me five stars when you can.

Okay, everybody,



How to Fix Karate (Volume One)

And don’t forget to check out the interview


I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on 

The Science of Government.

It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

Newsletter 1041

The Tale of the Karate Book

Good morning!

Yes, I’m still here,

and my thanks to those fellows who have written me

and told me to get off my butt.

Kumar, Jerome, Michael,

you know who you are.

Thumbs up!


let me tell you what is happening and why.

And, before I start,

I’m going to be talking about 

‘The Book!’

And if you’re not interested,

or wanted me to go heavy duty

on the art,

self defense,



that’s next time.

This time I’ll tell you what my problem is

I’ve studied martial arts for over 50 years,

I’ve written probably a hundred books and training manuals,

thousands of articles,

been a professional writer,

so I know my way around a keyboard.

But this book…

this book has been a bugger.

And the problem is simple,

I’m trying to put too much in it.


I want to cover karate like it has never been covered.

That’s my base art,

and I want to leave it in better shape than I found it.


I want to show some advanced matrixing.

I want to show where karate can go,

and in the simplest fashion.


I want to fix karate,

and that means pointing out some serious problems with the art,

and show how to fix them.

I’m not focusing on matrixing,

except by the way.

Right now,

the book is about 300 pages and counting.


it has been a true mess to figure out.


I get an idea,

I write it.

I write about as fast as I can talk,

books are usually done within three or four days,

and I’m off on another project.

The books I write are quick and easy and very logical.

Karate is not logical,

so it is like I am untangling this MASSIVE knot,

and retying it.


I have had a terrible time with formatting.

I am trying to write the book so it can be understood on the paper page,

but I want to format the thing differently.

For instance,

I write the forms on the left page

and the techniques on the right.

I don’t do the form,

then show the techniques,

I show the techniques along side the form,

and this makes perfect sense

 if you are scrolling on a computer.

But creating in this fashion

and for the paper page, too,

has been REALLY messy.

300 pages 

and I’ve reformatted it 4 times,

and rewritten it probably six.

I NEVER rewrite.

And now I am stuck in it.


not to bore you,

but that’s what I’ve been doing.

The good news is I actually called on a reader

Ted V,

and he has proven to be a good editor.

Think about it,

the guy was able to tell the arrogant Al Case

that his work is a mess

and I better get back to the drawing board.

I thank him,

and serve warning that it’s coming.


I won’t bore you anymore

with the trials and tribulations of writing

except to say one thing.

I decided,

and this was a conscious decision I made over 50 years ago

to practice two arts this lifetime.

One is karate,

for the external.

One is writing,

for the internal.

A very yin and yang balance.

And they compliment each other wonderful.

I always tell people they should have two arts in their lives.

So if you have a physical job you love,

pick up painting or sculpting or poetry or something.

And if you have a mental job

pick up karate, yoga, dance, whatever.

Seek balance.


my apologies for yakking on about 

‘The Book.’

It will get done,

I seem to have the formatting fixed,

and my writing is taking on the normal flow again,

and I am hoping this project

becomes the most intense

and thorough examination of karate ever written.

Thanks for being patient,

and have a great work out!


And don’t forget to check out the interview


I’ve got nothing but five star reviews on 

The Science of Government.

It’s really nothing more than applying matrixing to politics.

Matrixing + Politics = Sanity

I told you matrixing works with anything.

Here’s the link…

HanaKwanMass Martial Arts!

This is the ultimate Martial Arts course

It is that time of year again,
some old guy breaks into your house
and leaves a bunch of stuff.
And you’re supposed to leave him a cookie.

I know how to celebrate Christmas,
first off,
you call it HanaKwanMass!
Doesn’t matter what holiday somebody celebrates,
you’ve got him covered,
and you’ve managed to offend everybody at once!

Second off,
a telling of the traditional
Monster Martial Arts Christmas Poem,
which you will find at the end of this short epistle.

a big thank you to all who have purchased
The Nine Square Diagram Boxing course.
A lot of people asked for these videos,
here’s a win from one of them.

Dear Mr. Case,
The Nine Square Boxing (hard and soft)and two bonuses downloaded without any problems.

Watched some of the course last night. Started with the Q & A (glad you did that). After the Q & A I went through the first 5 segments of Part One. Plan on watching more today.

It’s been taking me a while to appreciate the nine square pattern. I’ve had the Shaolin Butterfly dvd since March and the Nine Squares paper book since July, but last night it finally sunk in while I watched the first five segments of Part One. I’ve have always preferred the simple 4 or 8 step basic kata (+ pattern) and drilling just one or two things, but I like the direction changes in the nine square more. I have a new favorite with the nine square.
Don H

Thanks Don.

you know, just to let you guys know,
wins are what really keep me going.
Life gets tough,
I feel out of sorts,
and I just open up the 600 or so pages of wins
and read a few.
Takes me right to the top
re-enforces my purpose,
makes life worth living.
such a simple thing,
yet so important to me.

That said, here’s the link

And, there is actually a new release.
I’ve actually been working on this for a while,
and the release has given me an immense amount of satisfaction.
Here’s the link…

The Book of Neutronics

The book of Neutronics is the books I’ve written on Neutronics.

Five books, usually costing $50,
but this collection in one volume is only $20.

It includes
The Neutronic Viewpoint
The 24 Principles
Outside the Tube

That is a massive amount of information.
About 300 pages worth.
And it is all about what is actually behind the martial arts.
It is the science behind the science.

And, an advice,
don’t bother getting it if you don’t like to read and think.
if you are ready to understand the mysteries,
the mysticism,
the real reasons behind the martial arts…
this is it.

that is about it.

You guys and gals have a great and wonderful HanaKanMass,
and a great work out, too!



Twas the night before Christmas
I was in my shack
primed and ready
for the red fat attack.

my weapons were loaded
the windows were barred
all would be safe
while I was on guard

The chimney was decked
with concertina wire
I crouched by the couch
ready to fire.

I had an M60
with ammo to feed
I didn’t care
if the red fat did bleed.

A loaded shotgun
and grenades to spare
when red fat came down
I’d blow him out of there.

Throwing stars and knives
and a really long sword
and if that didn’t work
I knew a bad word.

Sitting there late
my eyes started to close
when suddenly I heard
a bunch of ho hos.

Off with the lights
safety off, too
I  watched the fire close
and heard a sound from the flu.

‘Ouch and gosh darn it
who put the wire here
those are my undies
starting to tear!’

Then a shower of soot
and a grunt and a groan
he landed in the fire
and gave out a moan.

He was rubbing the place
where the wire did tear
so I held down the trigger
and lead filled the air.

belt after belt
did I deal the red fat
he danced and he jumped
I knew he felt that!

then quicker than spit
I ran out of lead
but enough was enough
he had to be dead.

Boy was I shocked
to see him stand tall
stepping out of the fireplace
not bothered at all.

So I grabbed up the 16
to mow him down
he had to be hurting
cause I saw his big frown.

Then I was empty
and he came straight for me
I pulled out my knives
and sliced him with glee

He jumped to the side
moving real quick
disarmed my knives
with a well placed kick

then he dropped the big bag
he had on his shoulder
reached forth his arms
and his anger did smolder

He grabbed hard my neck
and held me up high
I tried kicks and punches
but I was like a fly

Not karate nor judo
no art did work
and he grinned a mean grin
and called me a jerk

‘Don’t you know
you stupid little man
Christmas is forever
in spite of your plan.’

Then he threw me aside
and proceeded to work
giving presents to all
and to me a great smirk

And when he left
the great big red fat
he left me a lump of coal
the big red fat rat!

HanaKwanMass to you and yours forever!

Release of ‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi’

Newsletter 924

About the New Karate to Tai Chi Book!

Hi Guys and Gals.

This is to announce the official release of
‘Chiang Nan’

Chiang Nan is the title I settled on, the working title is
‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan.’
So Chiang Nan,
or ‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan
was originally bundled into the course.
You can get it in PDF if you order the course.

I just published the official book
‘How to Translate Karate into Tai Chi Chuan,’
and it is available on Amazon.
The official title is…

‘Chiang Nan’

and here’s the link…

And for those who don’t know what it is about…
As the subtitle says,
it teaches one how to make karate into tai chi chuan.

If you have been studying karate,
this will expand your concepts of karate by ten times.
Different way of looking at form applications.
Different way of doing the form.
Really opens the mind.

If you have been studying Tai Chi Chuan,
you will learn a lot about techniques,
doing other arts tai chi style,
and so on.

it’s a different kind of strength,
different energy,
a whole and complete education.
If you know just the hard arts,
you need to know the soft.
or you only have half an art.

If you know just the soft arts,
you need to know the hard,
or you only have half an art.

This is a 270 page book
(three in one, actually)
that covers how to translate karate into tai chi,
what the lost form,
the original form that karate came from,
might look,
and the secret techniques of karate…
deliberately hidden by the secret pact
made by Okinawan karate masters.

So check it out on Amazon,
or just get the PDF by ordering the course through

Have a great work out!

Linking Martial Arts Forms for Faster Learning…

Newsletter 883

Interlinking Martial Arts Forms

Here’s an interesting little trick for you,
one that will open your eyes and expand your art by ten…

I did Kenpo back in 67,
I noticed right away that the forms
were built simple to complex.
simple to hard to understand.

You learned your basics with the first two forms,
then everything went haywire,
the forms were lists of techniques,
no real logic behind the sequence of the forms,
or even the relationship of the forms to themselves.
Mind you,
it was fun,
but it was HARD to really learn anything.
You ended up just memorizing,
and doing the martial arts like a dance.

Then I went to the Kung Duk Won
learned the classic Karate forms.
It was still a list of techniques,
but the forms had more meaning,
the arrangement from basics to complex
took on a different meaning.

Before I go on,
here’s a clip from Pinan Five
Give you an idea of how some of this karate stuff works…

before we were so rudely interrupted by the video…
I noticed there was a general trend,
from white belt to black belt,
and the trend went like this…

block then counter
two block and counter
three block and counter
block and counter simultaneous

Do you see the progression?
While it looks like a progression of numbers of blocks,
it was actually a progression of time,
but you might have to see the actual techniques
to understand that particular thing.

One of the things I did
when I started ‘pre-matrixing,’
was make huge lists
of all blocks and counters,
and arrange them according to belt level.
did that make things easy.

there was something else I noticed at the Kang Duk Won.
The forms expanded on the footwork,
and there was a link between the forms.
Pinan two and four were similar in certain ways.
And Pinan three and five were similar.

I utilized in matrixing.
Not just arranging the numbers of blocks and counters,
but sequencing the blocks and counters in time,
and then…
arranging the forms to accurately represent this linkage.
Zingo bingo,
there was the roots of real matrixing.

go ahead,
do it.
Take your forms,
ask yourself about simplicity and workability,
arrange the techniques,
then arrange your forms,
or rather,
as you will probably have to do,
create new forms to contain
the much more logical and easy to teach techniques.

you’re going to twist your head on this stuff,
it took me decades to figure this out,
of course,
I didn’t have the simple things
that I have laid out for you here.

there is an easy way.
Instead of pounding your head in frustration,
instead of doing something with your head
that heads are not well built to do,
just take a gander at

Matrix Karate.

It’s all there.
The linkage of techniques,
the linkage of forms,
freestyle methods to go with belt levels,
with the forms,
the techniques,
and everything in logical order.
all the distractions of other arts,
arts that do not match up with the basic concepts of karate,
have been eliminated.

Makes for a VERY pure path.
And a very QUICK path.

But don’t believe me.
Twist your head for thirty years,
and then come up with what I already did.

Here’s the link.

1a Matrix Karate

Have a great work out!


1a Matrix Karate


go to and subscribe to this newsletter:



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so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!


Outlaw Karate Training Manual Re-issued!

Outlaw Karate Gets a Face Lift!

‘Outlaw Karate: The Secret of the One Year Black Belt,’ was one of the first books on Matrixing. Actually, it was written before matrixing became ‘officialize.’

This is the first book to put forth the concept that people could actually earn a real Black Belt in Karate in a year of less.

This new edition includes a glossy cover. The original material,  five star rated on Amazon, is intact.

The glory of this book is that it goes belt by belt, describing all the experiences, detailing what the student should be going through, and showing all the forms and applications. Thus, the reader has a much better chance of getting through the material without error; it is actually possible to get to a Black Belt within one year.

The book is based on the author’s synthesis of two martial arts, ‘Kang Duk Won’ and ‘Kwon Bup.’ All duplicate material has been discarded, along with fluff material such as poser techniques, unworkable techniques, and so on.

The result is an extremely hard core, street workable system.

The book includes detailed instructions on such items as:

  • how to create power
  • six ways to translate a block into totally different techniques
  • promotional requirements for every belt
  • what a student goes through on each belt level and why
  • the actual written tests for each belt
  • and TONS more.

The book is 166 pages with 212 images. In includes the complete system, with all the forms, applications, and methods of freestyle.

To find out more about Outlaw Karate: The Secret of the One Year Black Belt, click on this cover…

you can get a black belt in less than a year

Click on the cover to go to Amazon and find out more…

This book is a complete system. It includes all the forms and form applications, along with methods of freestyle.

Finding the Perfect Martial Art

Newsletter 859

Finding the Perfect Martial Art

May you have Perfect Art
in your Perfect Work Out!

Interesting concept.
After you read this newsletter
it will be easy to attain.
If you can count every blade of grass in the field.

Perfection means
free from flaw or defect.

Most people don’t even know what a flaw or defect is in the martial arts.
They hit and focus on how hard they hit.
Or they box and exult when they make a good punch.

These things are not even close.

When I was doing Aikido
way back when
the instructor said an interesting thing.

The perfect circle has no corners.

The context he was talking about,
the technique we were involved in,
was a simple shoulder roll.

We would roll,
following instructions as best we could
and we would hit a hip,
or flop a foot at the end,
or find any of a thousand other ‘corners.’

So we worked and we worked until our rolls were silent.
A silent roll is a perfect roll.

Interesting concept.

But how do you apply that to the rest of the martial arts?

In aikido it is easy,
if you have impact with your partner
while doing a technique,
you knock him out of harmony,
you knock him out of the perfect arc of the technique,
instead of merging with his lunch,
you nudge it out of true
and the technique fails.
The technique has corners.

you can apply the concept of silence to this,
a silent technique has no flesh slapping,
no bones knocking,
no collisions,
either with each other or the floor.

But that’s aikido.
How do you apply this technique to other arts?

You look for silence.
Don’t slap the feet on the floor.

Don’t ‘collide with an arm when blocking,
rather cut it effortlessly.
You are silent…he goes ow!

there are times when you will make sound.
Say you hit the floor with your foot to supercharge a technique.
There is sound there.
But is the sound of the foot hitting the floor the only sound?

Is the sound of the kiai,
when you deliver a punch,
the only sound?

Does your fist hit and create sound?
But sound is excess energy
thrown out from a technique that isn’t truly pure.

Can you see where I’m going with this?

The interesting thing is trying to move with no sound.
I sometimes work out late at night,
everybody asleep,
and I try to work out with no sound
except those that are part of the technique.

When you can punch somebody with no sound
the impact is pure,
the transference of weight from one body to another
is pure.

So think about it.
I wouldn’t worry too much about it in class,
it’s one of those work on it…in silence.
By yourself,
exploring how little you can do
to do a lot.

probably the best art
for learning to create silence in your technique is Tai Chi Chuan.

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

Have a great work out!

2c Five Army Tai Chi Chuan

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New Martial Arts Book/Complete Martial Arts System

Newsletter 825 ~ Subscribe now!

Tiger and Butterfly Martial Arts Book

The new Martial Arts book is called
‘Tiger and Butterfly,’
and it’s pretty darned good.

new martial arts book

click on the cover!

If you look at the title,
and you have done any matrixing,
then you can see that I have used
portions of the Matrix Karate course,
and portions of the Shaolin Butterfly.

This was interesting,
because I didn’t want to fall into the trap
of having systems disagree.
I wanted the concepts to build on each other,
not work against each other.

In a way,
there is a certain similarity
between Tiger and Butterfly
and the MCMAP books I wrote.

The similarity is in the arrangement of material.
This had to be,
because when you make a system,
certain things have to be done,
certain rules have to be followed,
certain principles have to be included,
and all the way up the belt levels.

One of the reasons I wrote this book
is because I visited a few schools,
and I saw how the modern schools
have let forms and techniques fall by the way.
They work on freestyle,
on fighting.
The students get better,
but they can’t do certain things.
For instance,
they don’t understand how to take a punch.
they have limited knowledge
concerning what happens
when you complete the circle (cycle) of a technique.

The system has eight belts,

There are no degrees.
Each belt is designed to be done
in about three months.
Brown belt might take longer,
but the material on the brown level
is pretty advanced.

When done,
the student will have those liquid kicks,
those floating kicks that look so light,
but knock down a elephant.
They should be able to take any kind of a punch.
They will be able to freestyle with authority,
and make a grab art out of any technique.
They will have knowledge.
Real knowledge.
Not just the fast reflexes of freestyle,
but a complete body knowledge,
how the body is constructed,
how to tweak it for more energy,
how to construct it for total effectiveness.

I want you to think about something.
When you study matrixing,
there are several courses,
and I recommend that you do them all,
that you get the complete picture,
from striking to locking
to guiding to manipulating
to predicting to taking down…
and more.

I can’t reach everybody,
and some people don’t understand
just how big the martial arts are,
and that you have to understand them as a science.
They are locked in ‘hit and punch,’
‘ground and pound,’
and don’t see or understand the bigger picture.

This book is for those people.
Hopefully it will get them excited for the big picture.
But even if it doesn’t,
it will afford a massive education,
and do a lot towards bringing these people
who are studying arts that have degraded over time
into the real art.
They will appreciate it as science.

even if they don’t,
if they do the book,
not just read it and say…
‘oh, I knew that,’
‘we have that in our system,’
but actually do the book,
all the drills and techniques,
all the forms and fighting drills,
then they will be doing the true art.
Whether they were stupid and didn’t even understand
what I am talking about,
if they do the drills and exercises,
they will end up doing the true art.

For instance,
at a certain point,
a certain belt,
I teach a type of kick.
It’s a floating kick,
then you turn the hips over and slam the energy
down into the ground
as you strike.
The point is…
you can’t do that kick
unless you use the tan tien
in a certain way.
You simply can’t.
So they will practice it,
get it,
and stumble over the concept,
whether they understand what is happening or not,
and they will end up with classical power
in a certain mode.
And the whole system is constructed
so that one mode leads to the next.

spoken enough.
Simply go to Amazon and enter
‘Tiger and Butterfly,’
‘Tiger and Butterfly martial arts’
‘Tiger and Butterfly Al Case,’
or something like that,
and watch it pop up.

it is unique,
matrixing brought one more step forward,
and it is REALLY potent!
It is a COMPLETE martial arts system.

have a great work out!



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