Martial Arts as Religion

Martial Religion

Happy Monday!
Happy work out!
One fact holds true…
when you work out
life is more beautiful on that day,
and the effects build and build.
I received an email the other day,
I can’t find it,
I just misplaced it,
but the fellow said something like this…
‘Martial Arts are my religion, too.’
Do you know how good that made me feel?
There are just so many people that think of the arts as sport,
or, worse, a way to beat people up.
But I know that they are outnumbered,
by the people who feel
that spiritual awareness
when they step on the mat,
who have experienced profound moments of awareness,
who really use the arts
to get in touch with themselves,
and really appreciate
the connection with the universe and the Divine.
So the statement made me feel good.
I started watching these documentaries on netflix.
The first two were called
‘Out of the Wild,’
and they were about people
dropped off in the wilderness,
and who had to learn
to live off the land
while they made their way to civilization.
It struck me
how so many people
don’t know how to survive.
I would watch people bicker instead of survive,
very interesting.
I would watch people get over the squeamishness
of eating grubs,
or something else that was necessary
for their survival.
There were two seasons,
one was in Venezuela,
and the other was in Alaska,
and they were quite eye opening.
So I thought I would pass a recommendation on here.
I mean,
the martial arts are about survival,
and there are incredible lessons
that have to do with the discipline of the arts.
the real gold,
was a program called,
‘The Colony.’
In the first couple of episodes
I learned all sorts of things
about basics like duc tape and baking soda,
this one blew my mind,
how to make a ‘still’ that makes fuel.
They called it a ‘Gasinator,’
or something like that,
and they showed how to hook it up to batteries,
to recharge,
how to hook the batteries to lights and tools,
and ALL sorts of things.
I know,
not martial arts,
darn it,
this stuff is POWERFUL!
And if TSHTF
(the stuff hits the…)
then this will augment your martial arts
and help you survive.
In this age of high gas prices,
threatening war,
and all that sort of stuff,
don’t you need to know everything there is to know,
and then some?
I want to thank everybody who ordered
‘The 24 Neutronic Principles.’
I want to encourage any who haven’t ordered it,
to do so.
One of the sections in the book
deals with being a monk.
This whole thing is a journey of knowledge.
So how much knowledge does it take to be a monk?
There are two sides to knowledge,
one is depth, and one is breadth,
or quantity and quality.
So when you read this section and start to understand
just how much martial arts a person has to know
to be considered a monk
in the church of martial arts,
it is sort of mind boggling.
think of the alternative.
Learn one system for a long time,
get a lot of depth,
but no real width.
You martial arts are like a spire,
lacking a base.
learn everything,
but have no depth.
Your martial arts are flat,
lacking profundity.
With the Church of Martial Arts,
I want people to know it all,
and then know it to a severe depth.
So you can learn everything there is to know,
have the breadth,
and then come to Monkeyland,
and be taken into the depths,
in a very short time.
It’s not enough to know all the tricks,
you have to know how to read minds,
how to see the future,
how to generate sufficient chi
to make the technique work effortlessly.
Do you see where we are going with this?
We are going into the heart of the art,
and into the spirit of man.
Because it is spirit that truly makes everything work.
You look at a painting by an old master
and you can feel the depth of spirit.
And when you see a martial artist
who knows what he is doing,
there is depth to his movements,
you can feel not just his body moving,
but the space around him.
You can feel the amount of awareness he has invested into his art
pouring out with his every motion.
That is where we want to go.
So if you don’t have it,
think about getting
‘The 24 Principles of Neutronics.’
Don’t settle for being flesh deep
in your study of the martial arts,
go bone deep,
look inside the bones,
and find your spirit.
Beating people up is easy,
Coming to grips with your true self,
the spiritual you…
that is the point of it all.
So think about it,
take a look at the page,
and I’ll talk to you later.
Have a fantastic work out.

free martial arts online

1 thought on “Martial Arts as Religion

  1. LewisM

    With your writings and others, i have learned that survival is in me. This article is a very good break down on what to do… I loudly recommend it.


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