A Martial Arts Matrixing Win Plus Annoncements

Three Important Martial Arts Announcements!

All right!
Three work outs tomorrow.
Not long,
but have to be done.
And really throw yourself into them
so that you aren’t doing them
to get them out of the way,
but are just focusing on what you want to get out of them.
Perfect balance.
proper breathing,

three things today,
and first things first,
Every year people say season’s greetings.
They don’t want to say Merry Christmas,
or Happy Hanukah,
or something else
that is specific
and therefore politically incorrect.
my feeling is that if somebody doesn’t like a well wishing,
the heck with him.

So what if I say Merry Christmas to a Jew,
or Happy Hanukah to an Arab,
or whatever.
It’s the happy thought that counts,
but you have IDIOTS going around
saying happy tim, or season’s well wishes,
or whatever,
and they are afraid to offend somebody.

my motto is…
offend everybody
and let God sort ‘em out.

So Hanakwanmass stands for
Happy Hanukah, Kwanza, and Merry Christmas.
I figure at best,
i get to offend two out of three,

Hanakwanmass to you,
and if you don’t like it,
let’s freestyle,

that bit of pleasantness aside,
second thing…
let me share a win.
This is from Will,
who is on the Black Belt course,
I coulnd’t see his video on youtube and said yikes,
and he said…

hi sensei Al
I laugh my head off. when I read yikes, I thought wow, is my technique that bad??? lol oops, I thought like hmm, I am I that far off? I mentally pictured you throwing up  over the screen…screaming in agony, blinded by the experience… stumbling out of the starbucks…nearly hit by a bus, cursing my name…lol.
well, I did repeat down/upward block  after I thought I wasn’t breathing and leaned into the strike rather than transition. I could have reshot it, but I thought what the heck, least you see me correcting myself for whats worth it. I donated 2$ to monkeyland only to discover to my horror, you played santa claus and I found many gifts under the tree. wow, thank you, that was one heck of a pleasant surprise. videos over videos, book after book, I am a kid in the candy store. speaking of over delivering, you have what is called at Darden Business school operational excellence. I was able to matrix now everything I do in martial arts, even managed to start to matrix a complete escrima system out of the basics of blinding steel. you were right, it is a totally different understanding of matrixing, once you mastered/understand matrix karate. the matrix blocks gave me a lot better insight into wing chun as well. mainly from the mini matrix. that was one heck of a revelation. I hit 3 flies in one go. I understand karate, wing chun and escrima now a lot better and was able to extract that out of the material. thank you very much. I really enjoy the way to the goal now.
whatever happens, I am extremely grateful and indebted to you, sensei Al.

Thank you, Will.
I love wins better than anything.
It means that not only did I have a great work out,
but somebody else did,
and sharing wins means that even more people
are going to have a great work out!

You can find Blinding Steel on Monster Martial Arts under courses.

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

You can find The Road to Monkeyland
under ‘donations’ on Churchofmartialarts.


there is another little gem
on the donations page.
How to Fly on the Ethereal Plane.

third things third,
I am going to release a novel in a day or two,
I’ll send you a newsletter
when it happens.

This is a very significant novel,
and while it is action and adventure
with some good martial arts,
it describes things
at the top of the martial arts,
way beyond black belt,
and it will give you a new reality
on what’s at the end of the tunnel,
perhaps I should say,
at the top of the mountain.

Very advanced stuff,
but put in novel form.
It was a very interesting experience
to blend highest level martial arts,
an actual lesson
for those who have matrixed
and are going neutronic,
in novel form.

got to go.
It’s freezing up here at Monkeyland,
and we have to chase off the cows,
chip ice out of the pond,
and a thousand and one other things,
just so I have the time to do an actual work out.

what work outs they are.
Envy me.

have a great work out!

4a Blinding Steel (Matrixing Weapons)

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