How Core Package Works, and a Matrix Kung Fu Win!

Newsletter 592

About the Core Package and a Win from Matrix Kung Fu

What a great day, eh?
Perfect for the work out.
I never get tired of saying
every work out is a prayer.
That’s because you learn to control yourself with a workout,
and you learn to focus your awareness.
And the secret to living life
with guts and efficiency,
is in cultivating your awareness.

martial arts discipline

We are all monkeys until…martial arts discipline

I want to explain something about the Core Package today.
The core package is four courses,
Matrix Karate
Matrix Kung Fu
Matrix Aikido
The Master Instructor Course.

The theory behind it is simple.
Matrix Karate begins the matrixing process on any martial art.
You do the course, learn karate,
more important,
you have the basics of matrixing.
You then apply matrixing to any art you know.
You take,
Wing Chun,
and you put it to the Matrix Karate Template.
You isolate the proper blocks,
and actually do the karate forms
with Wing Chun.
Or Shaolin,
Or Kenpo,
or whatever.
Doesn’t matter what art it is,
you can take it and insert it into the matrix karate template,
do the exact same forms with a different art,
Your other art is matrixed.

So that’s the first course.
Matrix Aikido is a look at how to make a grab art
out of ANY technique.
You throw a punch,
somebody blocks,
and you do a simple concept,
and suddenly you have a whole new world
opening up for you.
it is is a wild and wooley world,
but it is open,
and once you step through those doors
you are going to need Matrix Kung Fu.

Matrix Kung Fu applies that concept to every joint,
breaks down every joint in the body
so that you have the proper education
and can understand exactly what you are doing
even when you are doing
something you have never done before!
I should say,
it doesn’t matter which course you do first,
Matrix Kung Fu or Matrix Aikido.
The effects,
in the end,
will be the same.
You will be able to take ANY technique
out of ANY martial art
and make a grab art out of it
all the way to lock or takedown.

I should say more at this point,
I have a win to offer,
but let me tell you something about the Master Instructor Course,
before I give you the Matrix Kung Fu win.

The Master Instructor Course matrixes the body.
It doesn’t get all mystical,
it is merely a scientific breakdown
of how energy works in the body,
and you can use this to make your form perfect,
and your techniques perfect.
And I do mean perfect.
After you see the right reason for doing something,
you will give up your wrong ways
and focus on the right ways,
and you will be in an entirely different realm of martial arts.
The data on the Master Instructor Course is instantly usable,
and nobody,
and I mean NOBODY,
can argue with what I tell you on that course.
And the truth is this…
if a fellow doesn’t know the material on the master instructor course,
he isn’t really an instructor.
And I tell you this,
if you’re an instructor,
order the course,
if I’m wrong,
get your money back.

some future newsletter
I’ll talk more about the Master Instructor Course,
what it does to a person,
and all of that.
This newsletter,
I promised you a Matrix Kung Fu win.

Hello Master Case,

…I wanted to say that this Matrix Kung Fu is the best I have seen from everything that I have of yours so far! Furthermore, this course is the best course on throws and locks that I have ever seen due to its simplicity yet comprehensive nature. If a student learns these forty techniques then that student can learn any similar type throws or locks based on the foundation that Matrix Kung Fu provides. The only comment I would make as far as changing anything is that this is really Matrix Chin Na (which in my opinion is an excellent system).

The video is very well done, the techniques are excellent, the material is very original, and the step by step explanation is great! I practiced these with my black belt son first and then started to teach them to my Monday night martial arts students. The techniques worked great!

Thank you for the fantastic work you do!


John M. Landry, Ph.D.

Thank you, John.
Your kind words inspire me.

for everybody out there.
I’m not getting rich on this,
check out the price of the course,
But the data is priceless.

The thing is this,
everybody out there wants to make money,
I want to get better,
and the ONLY way to get better in this life
is to make other people better.
To be a helping personality,
instead of a greedy or desperate personality.
That’s why I do what I do.
That’s why I keep the prices low
so ANYBODY can afford my courses.

I want you to consider something.
John did the course,
grabbed his son and said,
let’s go!
he is now teaching others what he learned.

His teachings have improved,
and my real pay is…
his students are getting better.

And their students will get better.

And maybe I will have done something
in my short life
that is of worth,
that has value,
that actually helped people.

As I said,
that’s why I do what I do.

So check out the Matrix Kung Fu course here…

1b Matrix Kung Fu

a word…
It looks like Monkeyland is coming true.

120 acres on top of a mountain.
Absolutely idyllic.

We’re working hard on it,
and I hope to have an announcement,
complete with pics and plans
in the near future.

at this point,
you can contribute merely by sending me
your kind thoughts and mental pictures
of what Monkeyland looks like.

Very exciting.

The most significant thing to happen in the martial arts
since the establishment of the Shaolin Temple.

stay tuned,
and I’ll tell you more about it when I can.

time for you to do a work out!
Me, too!

Talk to you later.


Don’t forget to go to…

1b Matrix Kung Fu


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