To Understand the Martial Arts

Newsletter 763
To Understand the Martial Arts

Happy June!
Perfect month for working out!
All you guys and gals out for the summer,
have you set your goal?
Do you know what martial art
you want to learn this summer?

master yoga

hard martial arts workout

This guy understood Zen!

there was a question I read
on a forum the other day,
the question was
what martial arts book is the best?
Interesting question.
What was more interesting
was that people didn’t understand it.

There were a few answers,
no matrixing books,
but that will eventually happen.

The Book of Five Rings was there.
Moving Zen was there,
but that was as close as they got.
And at the bottom of the scroll was the most amazing comment.
‘I don’t underestand.’

That was it.
I don’t understand,
and therein lies the problem of mankind.

When I don’t understand something,
I usually go out and find some written material,
find out what it is about.
So here is a guy who studies martial arts,
doesn’t understand.
So he doesn’t read books,
doesn’t know the relationship of zen and Tao and all that,
to the martial arts.
Really doesn’t understand
that an art is the manifestation of spirit.
He just goes along,
day after day,
monkey see monkey do.

What is the value of his life?

Does he just drink beer and think the stars are cool?
Does he even know where he is going?
For that matter,
does he even know that he is?
What is the point of his life?

Without understanding,
what is the point of anything?
Might just as well be a monkey,
swinging from tree to tree.

I remember reading ‘Zen Flesh, Zen Bones,’
and being so totally away,
lightening in the skies,
you know?

And when I read these books,
I somehow tapped into more resources.
I had more energy.
I had the idea
that if i could master myself,
if I could control myself,
I could find out the truth.

And here’s a guy,
might even be a black belt,
for all I know,
and he doesn’t understand.

Mind you,
there’s nothing wrong with not understanding,
but there is something wrong,
if he doesn’t want to solve it,
doesn’t want to find understanding.

No understanding and you are pavlov’s dog,
drooling on command,
buying what the advertisers want you to buy,
accepting what the government says,
never objecting,
just nodding and…and drooling.

Ah, well.
I’m probably preaching to the choir here.
If you guys ordered any matrix courses,
then you wanted to understand the martial arts.

Of course,
the real shame of it,
is when some guy thinks he understands,
thinks he knows what I’m saying,
and hasn’t done a matrix course.
Then he’s just delusional.

not sure where to go with this rant,
I was just so blown away,
hate to give anybody a bummer,
but the real solution,
is to find out.
To get a little light in your skull,
to read,
to work out and figure out
the relationship between reading and working out.
To find understanding
for what it is you are really doing in the martial arts.

To find the mystery of Chi
to cement your understanding of history
to collect ‘volumes’ of forms and styles,
to be quite and incisive in your thinking.

And that’s all pretty easy if you matrix.

Have you taken a look at:
Matrixing: the Master Text?

You should.
It has all the data on matrixing.
It has matrixes I for the various arts,
taken from the various courses.
It shows you the complete geography of the MartialArts,
and how I figured it out.

One thing is sure,
if you read
Matrixing: The Master Text,
you will understand.

You will understand the martial arts
better than all the people
who have not matrixed.

Makes you the great master,
you know?

Here’s the link…

2f Matrixing: The Master Text

Have a great June work out!


2f Matrixing: The Master Text

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