Missing Martial Arts Video Clips Found!

Missing Martial Arts Videos of How to Create Your Own Art

The truth of the matter
is that you have to do
some monkey see monkey do
type of training.

you could learn off Youtube,
but it would take a 100 years.
You don’t have somebody
showing you little angles,
you don’t have people giving you real punches,
it would take a 100 years.
And I’m being generous.

the yoga kata bookSo you take lessons.
It takes a year or two.
at most,
of bashing forearms
to transcend your mind
and start doing it right.
Some people faster.,
some people slower,
but it takes a year or two,
on the average.

to get to master,
takes 30 plus years.
On the average.
Better than a hundred years,
three decades.
I did it in 22 years,
but I was trying to figure out Matrixing,
delving into dozens of arts,
I was teaching and writing,
and it still took me a couple of decades.
I was about 39 years old,
and that meant I probably didn’t even half my life left
to share.
What a waste, eh?
I mean,
what if I could have gotten this matrixing thing
at age 20?
Then it would have been a handful of years,
probably 3 or 4,
and I would have achieved mastery.
Maybe age 23 or 24.
I’d have a lot of time left,
in which to enjoy and share
the real art.

the good news,
one of the first courses I filmed
was the Create Your Own Art course.
It was one of the first,
and that is why it is a little fuzzy.
Early technology just wasn’t up to the task.
But, you can still understand it.
You can see EXACTLY what I was doing,
what brought about Matrixing.
the fact of the matter,
it is the ONLY course of its kind.

here’s what’s on it.

a video of my early forays
into Pa Kua Chang,
How I structured it
how I matrixed it.

A video of a diametrically opposed art,
an art of angles
to balance out PKC.

A video showing
how to blend the first two arts
I show you how to fit the two arts together
which creates all sorts of two man exercises.

A book detailing the principles involved
when you create your own art.

A book detailing the things
I was doing back in the eighties,
including the first
martial arts mentioned here,
and original checksheets and diagrams
that I used to teach
my first matrixing classes.

I felt guilty because of the fuzzy quality of the film,
so I bundled the entire book,
‘Buddha Crane Karate,’
in with the course.
That’s the book
that is selling for $15 right now
on Amazon.

To make sure everybody understood
the things I was doing
I took a couple of clips
showing my students own arts.
Arts that they had created.

at a certain point
I demand that my students create their own arts.
After the monkey see monkey do,
once they have their basic principles down
I demand that they go out and absorb entire arts on their own,
and then create their own arts.

the reason I do this is simple.
A person who does the monkey see monkey do training
can be great,
but it takes a while,
and it doesn’t make a real artist.
it makes a great copy catter.

But an art must be created in the moment.
It must not be a knee jerk response,
but a creation on the moment,
according to what is happening,
not what has been implanted in the dojo.
That is the only way to achieve a true reality
in the martial arts.

So monkey see monkey do,
get the circuits down,
then blast out those circuits,
make sure a guy is creating,
instead of spewing out circuits
he has been implanted with.

here is the bad part.
When I wrote the page advertising this course,
on Monster Martial Arts,
I told everybody what was going to be on the course,
including the clips of my students
doing their own arts.

I forgot to put the clips on the page.

So for 7 years people have been downloading,
and nobody said anything.
Then a couple of months ago,
one fellow emailed in
and asked where the clips were.

Big Doh!
Major forehead slap
so hard my brains came out my ears.

So if you have bought the course,
just go to the download page
and you will find the clips,
and sorry I messed up,
sorry I took so long.

If you have disks,
email me,
and i will send you the download page
so you can see the clips.

And my sincere apologies.

I know it sounds like a big sales pitch,
but I had to explain what was on the course,
what the course does,
and where to find the clips.

for those who haven’t gotten the course,
go to this page,

2d Create Your Own Art

Scroll down to the bottom,
and you will find a sample clip.
It’s quite interesting,
my student’s work is impeccable,
and you get an idea
of what I am trying to get people to do
when I push the
Crate Your Own Art course.

you guys and gals enjoy the summer.
And make a plan!
Decide to learn an art this summer!
Figure out what you want to have accomplished,
by the end of the summer.
And set up a schedule,
and do it.

Here’s the link again.
Go to the bottom of that page for the clip.

2d Create Your Own Art

Have a great work out!

Have yourself a great work out!


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