American Indian was the Ultimate Ninja!

Newsletter 837

The Truth of Martial Arts and Indian Stealth Skills!
part five

Good celebration!
I hope it’s a celebration,
because it’s election night.
work out,
make the election go right!

lop sau rolling fists freestyle drill

Making Kenpo Karate unique to every individual.

Major announcement will be released in the next newsletter.
It is so major,
that you will probably be getting another newsletteer…

right now,
let’s focus on the fifth part
of the series on Native Indian stealth tactics.

This is the fifth part of a five part series.
Subscribe to the newsletter to read the other parts

In the first four articles
we have discussed how and why the American Indian
was possibly the finest light infantry in the world.

I know that I lost a few people with the last article.
and yet some people are so out of tune with themselves,
of who they really are,
that they pounded on the back button
once they read my last article.

That said,
I want to sum up
and mention a few odds and ends.

the American Indian was possibly the finest light infantry in the world.
And when the European introduced the horse,
he became possibly the finest light cavalry in the world.
I haven’t mentioned this before,
but it is true.

The reason the Indian was so good
was because if he wasn’t…he starved.
In fact,
he wasn’t beaten in combat by the white man,
so much as infected with disease.

The Indian was raised to be a warrior.
At the age of six he was turned over to the braves,
and he was taught,
under the strictest circumstances,
how to be silent,
how to walk and hunt with extreme silence.
This teaching included a profound respect
for the spirituality of the world.

Here’s a few things I didn’t mention.

Watch your posture.
From the tips of your toes throughout your entire body,
there is a correct way to move.
Find the way.
(Hint: The Master Instructor Course)

another hint,
when I was a wee lad,
back in the dark ages,
my grandmother would not let me slouch.
When sitting it was demanded
that I sit with my back straight.
Proper posture,
no slouching allowed.
Take this attitude towards every part of your body.

You need more leg strength.
In a society filled with chairs and slouches,
you need to cultivate your ability to move,
and this means,
starts with,
strong legs.

Breath deeply,
but silently.
Breath so that every cell in your body benefits.

Cultivate the ability to be still.
When you are still you can better emanate
(and learn to focus)

Dress with an eye to blending with the environment.
Wouldn’t you love to see a camouflage dress suit?

Be aware of where you stand.
Don’t create a shadow,
blend with the shadows.
Take advantage of light.

Check the wind.

Here is a not so funny story.
I read of a fellow in Viet Nam
who claimed he could smell the enemy.
He insisted on basing his motion in the bush
on what he could smell.
The members of his squad quickly learned to trust him totally.
He was always right,
always spotted the enemy,
and he and his squad (those who followed his nose)
came home.

who had no sense of smell,
didn’t come home.

To be truthful,
I think there is more to a sense of smell
than just smell.
It is said a shark can smell blood in the steer
from a mile away.
But a bit of blood
CANNOT travel a mile through water.
So what is the shark sensing?
Might this not be an ability we know nothing about?
A ‘spiritual’ sensing of energy
in spite of water?

And there are other examples of this thing
that might be smell,
but might be something else,
in nature.

that’s it.

Check out the Master Instructor course!

and have a great work out!



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