Two Karate Kicks, One Good and One Bad

I saw the first of two karate kicks back in 1970. I was in the army, and this fellow showed me how to kick with the toes. Barefoot.

Now I was classical karate, I liked kicks, but this guy was incredible. We set up a big sheet of plywood, you aren’t going to break that, and he struckĀ it with his toes. As hard a strikeĀ as I had ever seen.

Interestingly, he had a way of laying the first two toes on top of each other, and he didn’t break any bones, and that sheet of plywood didn’t stand a chance.

You don’t see that kind of art anymore.

In fact, I saw a second Karate kick a few years ago. Some nine year old kid had gotten his black belt and showed me his moves.

Beautiful, snappy, but if he ever hit anybody with it he would have broken his foot. I mean the bone structure was wrong, misaligned, and he was hitting with the wrong part of his foot. His kick was not just a mess, it was dangerous to do.

So what happened? From phenomenal kicks to…what?

What happened was that people who didn’t know what they were doing were teaching the martial arts. They were interested in making money, they had gotten their black belt in a couple of years from a guy who had gotten his belt in a couple of years, and nobody had the decades long attitude that cultivates truly great martial arts teachers.

Oh, well.

So i put together The Master Instructor Course to teach the way to properly align bones, to make the body a functioning machine, to train people so they cold get the real martial arts.

Check it out here.

1d Master Instructor Course

Or, you can get a free Kicking course if you get the Matrix Karate course.

1a Matrix Karate

Have a great work out!


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