The Bruce Lee One Inch Punch Real Secret is Not Faked!

Bruce Lee One inch Punch Explained!

(Bruce Lee One Inch Punch article originally published at

The Bruce Lee One Inch Punch has taken on mythic proportions. People watch Bruce Lee movies like enter the Dragon, and then they look into the history Little Dragon, and when they see the famous Bruce Lee Punch their jaws drop and they think it can only be done by a super human.

The fact is, the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch can be done by anyone, if they are willing to understand some basic concepts and do a little hard work. Before we start, however, let me state that when you google Bruce Lee One Inch Punch you will find wikihow, and they will offer a five step explain on the thing. The problem is that the Wikihow description is for a Karate Punch! It’s not Bruce Lees Martial Arts at all!

bruce lee one inch punch image

Bruce Lee could do a push up on one finger, that certainly helped!

And, you will also find sites explaining the thing through an analysis of the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch power through brains scans, and all sorts of other things. You will also find people claiming, in spite of the Long Beach one inch punch video, that the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch video is fake! Can’t even believe their own eyes. Sheesh.

Okay, now you know where not to look, let me give the simple explanation in simple physics.

When you punch you must sink your weight into the ground, and lean slightly forward so that your body weight goes into the punch. Then it is all a matter of martial arts timing.

Yes, it is that simple. But, the one thing that nobody seems to want to understand, or even to say-and this is the real secret behind the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch-is that Jun Fan (his real Chinese name) studied classical Kung Fu!

It was his studies in Wing Chun that enabled him to do many of the things he did.

Now, it is true that it was his amazing work ethic, his 24/7 obsession with martial arts, that enabled him to translate that classical knowledge into something that worked. But the basic knowledge came from Classical Wing Chun Kung Fu.

I know this to be true because it was in my studies of Classical Karate, and I have seen it in virtually all other traditional martial arts.

The problem with people not being able to do what Bruce did is twofold. First, because the martial arts happened so fast in the United States and the world, much of the knowledge was lost, not passed on.

The second thing, of course, is that people don’t have the intense desire that Bruce Lee had.

That said, the simple description you have here is only one, little, teensy piece of the puzzle. It won’t do you any good unless you decide to learn, and commit yourself to studying the Martial Arts.

And, to insure that you are able to do such things as the One Inch Punch, the physics, the ‘secrets,’ have been resurrected and written down and put on video at Monster Martial Arts.

I know some people will tune this out, and think, yeah, scam, but let me explain a simple fact.

In ‘The Punch,’ just to mention one of the martial arts training programs, There are a hundred pages, and these one hundred pages detail the five ways of doing a martial arts punch, and the correct order.

That’s something that nobody knows. A complete step by step sequence of ALL the things necessary to a true martial arts punch.

Most martial arts instructors tell you to hit the bag, or have you strike air, or do your forms, and they never explain the things that are really happening. That’s not learning knowledge, that’s monkey see monkey do, and it will take you a lifetime to get where you are going!

Or, if you are lucky enough to actually find somebody who teaches an authentic and real and true martial arts system, they usually only know one system, or, at the very least, not enough systems to have the full range of knowledge that The Little Dragon had, and which enabled him to do his One Inch Punch.

So a lifetime of sweating and bleeding, and then you have to be pretty lucky and find the right system and not get waylaid by marriage and kids and education and career changes and car accidents and all of that sort of stuff…or just get the book, get the knowledge!…and simply do it!

Remember, the Secret of the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch is not just the simple three steps I have explained here, but the fact that he he had committed himself to learning ALL of the martial arts.

To find the real secrets behind the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch, and all the other amazing things he could do, go to The Punch!

zen martial arts

2 thoughts on “The Bruce Lee One Inch Punch Real Secret is Not Faked!

  1. Chris Boscarino

    Hi Al and everyone,
    I wanted to tell anyone who is a skeptic that I believed the one inch punch wasn’t real until I met Al. I went to take some lessons from him lessons (alas, timing prevented me from continuing) and he demonstrated it on me ( thankfully I was holding a pad in my hands) to show the proper technique for a punch. I stumbled back about six feet. I am sure that if I wasn’t expecting it and wasnt bracing myself, I would have flown back and gone to the ground. I became a believer right then. Anyway, love your site, and your courses are the best I have ever seen .
    Chris Boscarino

    1. aganzul Post author

      Hey Chris! I remember that…it was a lot of fun…for me. Grin. Thanks for the kind words, and I’m sure we’ll run into each other. You have a great work out! Al


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