What Happened to this Martial Arts Master Instructor…

Newsletter 885

New Master Instructor!

Congrats to Master Instructor…
Fred Cook!

Here’s Fred’s win…

I found your website and it peaked my interest, I was skeptical though, as the claims were very dramatic and I’ve been a martial artist 29 years and a teacher for 24 of that in multiple disciplines. I figured, I’d pick up a few tips maybe to improve my toolset and all would be good….I….was…Naïve!!!

The old adage, “The more you learn, the more you understand how little you knew,” fully applies here! You see, I was first an assistant instructor, then made a full instructor after 2 years of assisting…it was like trying to learn to swim by being tossed in the deep end of the pool. What your course did was TOTALLY rock my world and adjust my ways of thinking as a teacher…this was truly mind altering stuff and so much quality data, that by the end of it, I sat there quiet…just contemplating everything…..like everything…

Not only was the course immediately jarring and enlightening, but it was simple enough that as the Geico commercials used to say “A caveman could do it.” If anything, you have dramatically understated what you’ve offered in this course. So…what did I learn from this course?

• I learned what makes an art true and why, including how to put together the four facets into a cohesive element.
• I learned more about rooting/grounding than I had in 10 years of Bak Sil Lum, but was expected to know in for lohan Chuan and Baji Chaun.
• I learned the three rules, which other than politeness, I’d never heard before, yet were so simple, as if they were hidden right under my nose the whole time!
• I learned the true meaning of the yin/yang.
• I learned how to teach, so that I didn’t overwhelm a student with data and send them packing. I especially liked the breakdown of teaching a sequence then the bunkai and having the student attempt to ascertain the application so that they feel like they own the technique…BRILLIANT!
• I learned the seven corrections to teach and attain perfect form
• I learned the 2 purposes of the legs and the purpose of a strike….this was exceptional btw!
• I learned the six tools, which I’ve already applied to a dozen of so techniques and have improved from doing so. This alone makes the course worth twice the price!

To say that I learned more from this course than 20 plus years of study, practice and teaching would be a DRASTIC understatement. You have completely changed my view of so much and have in fact made me 10 x’s the instructor that I was….Thank you sir…

If you need to ask any questions on what I’ve garnered from the course before sending me a certificate, feel free anytime sir.

Frederick W. Cook
Sho Dai Soke Renketsu-Te Karate-Do

Thank you, Fred.
Your win is fantastic.
I thank you.

I know there is a small question coming up.
I offer two courses,

The Master Instructor Course,
The Professional Matial Arts Instructor Course.
What’s the difference?

Good question.

The Master Instructor Course gives the overview,
gives the data,
then the student has to apply it.
It is designed for the fellow
with lots of experience,
or who has at least gone through previous matrixing courses
at Monster Martial Arts.
It is more suited for the dojo.

The Professional Martial Arts Instructor
uses the data of the Master Instructor Course,
but it goes through the moves of the martial arts,
basics, forms, techniques,
one right after another,
showing fixes for common problems.
It is more suited for teaching in gyms, health clubs, and so on.
It is designed to help people get started teaching MA outside the dojo.

Neither is best,
you just have to figure out which is best for you.
What do you want to do in life?
Are you going to stay in the dojo?
Are you going to head to YMCAs,
fitness centers,
and so on.

Here’s an example of the differences between the courses.

A fellow who takes the Master Instructor course
is given the seven principles of perfect form.
It is up to him to inspect the student,
and see which of the seven principles is out.
This can be tough,
especially if more than one principle is out
stylist interpretations must be made,
and so on.

On the other hand,
a fellow who takes the Professional MA Instructor course
will inspect someone’s form,
he will see,
for instance,
that the student is getting insufficient impact from his front snap kick.
He picks out the correct drill
to help the student fix his form.

You see?
The MI course assumes the instructor is experienced.
The PMAI course doesn’t assume,
and goes through the moves and techniques of the martial arts,
giving hints and fixes galore.

Two different approaches.

I will say that I wrote the PMAI course
to help people break into martial arts teaching.
It can be hard to put the money together for a school,
to survive until the student base is large enough,
sometimes people don’t make it.

On the other hand,
it is easy to get started as a private instructor,
if you get the gym owner to believe in you.
A certificate as a Professional Martial Arts Trainer will help.

I used to charge $100 an hour.
This was back in the eighties.
Helped me get started when I moved to Los Angeles.
People would hand me a check for $500 for five lessons,
it really made my day.

So what you do is up to you,
I’m just trying to give everybody enough options
to make the martial arts a viable career.

You can earn a black belt through the Matrix Karate course,
or other courses.
This is excellent for people with some training,
who want to go all the way,
but just need the data.

Then there is the KangDukWon.com course,
for those who want to go through the traditional training.

That’s all.

That all said,
Fred picked the option that is excellent for him.
He already has much experience.
You can check out his website here…


(I hope its okay I put this link up, I didn’t ask permission, sorry, Fred.)

thank you,
Master Instructor Fred Cook.

And for all,
here is the Master Instructor Course link,

1d Master Instructor Course

and have a GREAT work out!


1d Master Instructor Course

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